Top Scallop

I know, sometimes I feel an obligation to be histrionic and unreasonable, what are we, british? We Americans won’t sit on our hands and fail to protest something as important as the wrong people advancing in Bake-Off, only unimportant things like our democracy being stolen right in front of us!

I thought both Gigi and Zayn were Muslim... but I fully support putting up the holiday decorations whenever you fucking want to in this accursed year. Time has no meaning, Christmas is both in 4.5 weeks AND 3 months ago, do what you want.

On what we’ve seen Peter ought to win. Dave is lacklustre and Laura can’t seem to nail both the taste and presentation on most of her bakes.

I think I’m good. Dave’s signature sucked, Paul said it sucked, Prue came in her pants over it, they’re likely fucking. Laura was second to last in half the weeks. Peter had a good week, but Hermine was clear and away the best baker. Dave and Laura making the final, especially Dave because at least if you can’t see

I was kind of hoping Dave would go this week and was gutted when Hermine got booted instead. The judging definitely seems more episode by episode this season and within that it seems like you can have a terrible week so long as you do okay with the showstopper challenge.

About two thirds of the mango usage this season has been due to Dave. Dave really really really likes mango.

As someone who fondly remembers Pimp My Ride growing up ..

entreaties regarding abortion rights by blathering about ISIS.

BTW, someone DEFINTELY told the extras/guests not to covort with the talent when Jessica was on that show. That sounds completely believable and very likely, and they may have very well exaggerated and said “Don’t even dare so much as look them in the eyes.”

In my experience on sets, there’s always some production team member insisting that the show regulars are totally off limits to guests, extras, and crew, only for the regulars themselves (or at least a couple of them) to be totally friendly and at ease. The idea is to establish “don’t talk to them unless they talk to

It comes from production! It’s production people trying to keep stars/celebs/more famous people on set comfortable and happy so they’re not being asked questions/fawned over by extras. It’s dumb but I’ve worked on sets and it never comes from the celebs/actors, they usually don’t even know because they’re kept

Not Goebbels Barbie!!! NOOOOOOOOO. 

Sorry Kayleigh, a face full of lies doesn’t function as a mask.  Enjoy your ‘rona.

Good thing she doesn’t have COV.....

I’m sure all our thoughts and prayers are with the coronavirus at this diffcult time.

I am a long time (10+ years) reader and first time commenter.

1 butternut squash, halved length-wise, seeds removed

You know what? Fine. I’m all for him spending his ill gotten gains on this. I’m not okaying or excusing his myriad crimes (THEY ARE CRIMES), he still should pay out the ass in civil suits and prison time for anything where the statues haven’t run out. But if some of Smaug’s hoard can actually be put to good use and

OH LORD. I’m actually going to defend this family. (deep breath)

Tanzanite is one of the biggest scams in the jewelry world. I sold the stone exclusively in a store and that was the story we were given about it too, but at the time, we were told there was only about three to five years supply left.