This is total horse pucky A.A.
He wants judges to have a religious world view (already a violation of church-state separations, which should disqualify them flat out), and specifically the New Testament. Of course, as we all know, Jesus of Nazareth (an amalgam of 2-3 historical figures, all killed by Romans and claimed the messianic prophecy at…
Tea began in China. Bendersnack Cucumberwatch’s authority is null and void.
The thought of a "conjugal visit" in prison, which is a small slice of time in which the prisoner and his/her partner get to do it on a filthy mattress in the"conjugal visit room" is too disgusting a thought for me this morning.
Still can’t get over the fact that Blake Shelton was sexiest man alive before Idris Elba. It’s not enough that black people have to be twice as good. Black people have to be ten times as attractive too.
Not many people call pull off bright orange, but holy hell Demi’s doing it with that dress. Glad she’s doing better.
The reveal was so lame. Like the point of the show was “women can be bad, too!” And like, okay? I was glad when it was over because at least it answered all of my questions, but I don’t want to see more of it.
The urgency of everything made no sense to me, but maybe I missed some important detail. Like, Julia was this dangerous politican, but why? She needed extra protection, from who? It was made well and the acting was good but every episode made me wonder why people were doing what they were doing.
Girl I got the cocktail-length version of this Ralph Lauren dress for a Christmas party and I am 45 and like ... 36-34-36. I have NO waist and a serious mom belly.
Unless you’re overweight with fallen arches, arch support and padding isn’t necessarily good for you. The trend right now is towards more minimalist and flexible footwear that gives your feet a chance to build up the muscles and internal ligament support that have been ruined by too supportive footwear.
Unless you’re overweight with fallen arches, arch support and padding isn’t necessarily good for you. The trend…
Yep. And Zombie Michael Jackson will be their spokesperson.
Whacky Inflatable Arm Tube Woman!
My daughter’s bearded dragon, Smaug, as D. Smaug Pumpkins.
When that much effort is put into my Halloween costume and I look that good, I make sure to take a ton of photos too. I guarantee you that her stylists are pleased as punch to have their work recorded and showcased.
I was inspired by the Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode this year (so many puns!) and stole Louise’s “Dragon with a Girl Tattoo” costume. It landed. People laughed. I am proud of myself.
90210 were BRILLIANT on birth control. Still scorched on my mind ... Brenda and Dylan have just started going out and are maybe going to do it ... Brenda talking to Kelly, who’s just passed her a condom from her own bedside supply: B: “condoms? they’re so clinical”. K: “No dear. Abortions are clinical.” BOOM. :)
When you “who?” someone who’s been active and successful since the 90s, it says more about you than her.
Ah yes—because any time something untoward happens, and especially when it follows precipitating events like a fucking President that openly stokes fear and hatred of the press (and xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, racism, nationalism—the list goes on for quite a while), it’s obviously just a dirty Liberal scheme…
A friend of mine once showed up to a Halloween party in a Vikings jersey and tried to claim that he was in costume as a Vikings fan. The host made him wear a bag over his head to better reflect how he should feel about his choice of costume/sports fandom. Since then, I interpret all bag costumes as “ashamed of…