
A healthy disdain for safety is just what a gun owner needs.

Yes, I have a people not dying unnecessarily agenda. You caught me.

And it is, in fact, not well regulated.

Your car analogy is a great one. People are rechecked for competence. And government and health advocates (and Silicon Valley) are actively engaged in making vehicle-human interactions safer.

The power saw murder epidemic is a very serious problem.

Guns give people too much power over fellow humans during moments of unintentional and intentional violence. If training was all that was needed to resolve this problem, we could issue everyone nuclear weapons and sleep soundly at night once they’d taken a class. This isn’t a militia and it’s not well-regulated.

You forgot bullet 5: The above are irrelevant if gun comes in contact with a fallible human.

This was unimaginable except for anyone unfamiliar with guns and humans.

The line between coach and abuser is almost non-existent with so many of these athletes.

Now playing

I lost count of how many times I tweeted this to people:

I’m With Her Y’all

I wonder who she’s voting for.

I, for one, would like to thank our well-regulated militia for its service.

This is a literal Thanks Obama — you can see from the second bicyclist that there was obviously a breach and at least two innocent-seeming and perhaps clueless bikers just happened to have their worst commute ever.

I had that thought, too. Trump and Sanders supporters (I may be missing incidents from the Clinton campaign, but not to my knowledge) have been implicated in violence, so maybe it’s the election cycle’s tone and not the voter profile.

Question for the collective minds here: Is there any research out there about a correlation (if one exists) between politically active newbies and a proclivity to violent threats/actions?

I mean, you fuck one goat and they call you a goat fucker.

Tell me again how you fear a future of robot-driven cars.

This story is a weird argument against art that confronts and disturbs. What do we want, Thomas Kinkaid????

The structure of the last episode was certainly a bit odd, but that last few minutes was perfect. But then again I’m one of those people who loved how The Sopranos ended.