When the public is ravenous for stories of the wrongfully-convicted (Serial, The Jinx), Schulz asks, what distinguishes Ricciardi and Demos from that opportunistic, audience-driven producer?
When the public is ravenous for stories of the wrongfully-convicted (Serial, The Jinx), Schulz asks, what distinguishes Ricciardi and Demos from that opportunistic, audience-driven producer?
Personally, I did not view the series as something that was meant to make viewers believe Avery and Dassey were innocent. I think its point was more to challenge our ideas that verdicts reached in trials are impenetrable, and to challenge our romantic notion of a justice system that is blind to both wealth and…
Yeah, Jez has decided to take the ‘he is guilty and that is all that matters’ approach largely to go against the grain. Again.
I know it’s been said, many times many ways, but the impression that I got from the doc wasn’t so much that Avery was definitely innocent, but just that the investigation and trial were messed up enough to warrant a second look.
What the hell are you even saying? Do you actually think someone convicted of felony murder should not be incarcerated? She wasn’t convicted of selling loose cigars, she was convicted of participating in an armed robbery which led to an innocent young woman’s murder.
There is, It’s called the box office.
he’s saying that they are starting with cars but might move away from it... do you understand a metaphor?
Timothy, I can’t for the life of me understand how you can sit thru a football game. Your squeamishness towards hits and your unhealthy obsession of the concussion issue must make it impossible for you to enjoy a game. If it’s that torturous for you, and if the NFL and the networks are so demonic in their support of…
The hypocrisy that this hit is flagrant but the other one is just good hard football is such a fucking joke.
Patrick Redford is a bad writer and an even worse opinion-haver.
Nothing SJW-snarkier than simultaneously dismissing nonwhite RVers and impoverished white people
calm your tits.
On Tuesday Lakers GM Mitch Kupchak admitted what everybody already knew: the Lakers are prioritizing the Kobe Bryant…
That’s Tom Ley after uncovering a trove of child porn.
Stephan Shay has de rigueur facial hair. He can be found in Southern California coffee shops, sometimes wearing a…
Damn it. The more I think about issues like this, the more I’m unsure of who to blame. Do I label AP a horrible person for exhibiting behavior that was obviously passed down? Do I pass the blame upwards to his parents, or their parents, WHO DO I BLAME? I have the same struggle with racism/sexism that is influenced by…
makes u think
John Smoltz: 213-155, 125 ERA+, 3.05 SO/BB
Should it surprise anyone that a Donald Trump supporter has a personal chef who ascribed to pseudo-science when making dietary choices?
This is a bad opinion and you are a bad person.