
It is standard practice to protect your sources, especially in a situation where the source would be breaking the law by revealing said information. The reason it is coming out now is because the first source has recanted and the network is facing extreme pressure to show they originally had double confirmation and

Gawker comments are like church services for white people who want to feel smart. You stand up, you give a pious but small-minded and irrational sermon, and you walk away feeling smart and superior about the 20 minutes of life you just totally pissed away.

Must be a sad life, being so bitter and antagonistic. I say this as someone who was once very much this instinctual type of personality. I don’t particularly follow or believe in anything, but active negativity does no good to anyone. *hug*

Yeah I’m with you man! I’d rather feel smart and superior by bringing down others and letting people know how much better I am in a snarky jaded way.

Jalopnik truthers are the fucking worst.

Good thing Tom is here to tell us how to feel about stuff. I like the panda thing, but now I understand its no longer cool. Thank you Tom for setting me in my place with your apathetic view on life.

Except Rodgers was a consensus top-10 pick that was even invited by ESPN to appear on the broadcast of the NFL draft that fell all the way to 24th, in what was (imo) the only time the “drama” of the NFL draft was worth watching.

Another false narrative to the story. Cousins got 3 fouls in the first quarter. Cousins then said to the ref you guys really want the Warriors to win. Kings then took the lead. Cousins returns immediately gets a 4th. Then he gets his 5th foul while in a close game. Game was loss because of Cousins comment to the ref.

This is the most unintentionally hilarious Deadspin post I have read in a while. It’s great!

as a woman, I now have to admit that I am truly scared of their bullpen. #AroldisChapman

Who calls a photographer a “shooter”? Do you call your writers “hacks”?

On second thought...

Football wives gotta do whatever they can to stay in the game man. Someone younger, faster, better able to play the position is coming for their spot, every damn day.

HuffPo makes it sound like toradol is a kick ass drug. It’s a NSAID like motrin or aleve. It’s only banned in other countries because it can destroy your kidneys, not because it fucks you up in a way people pay for.

Sly: “I can give you drugs to make you play so well you’ll get awarded a massive contract. The only downside is that soon afterwards you won’t be able to play a lot”

Ryan Howard can’t hear your burns, Marchman. He’s too busy counting the money from his $125 million contract.

How are people like you alive? People this stupid usually kill themselves sliding down the top deck staircase rail at a baseball game when they were 15.

Can we drop the Ballghazi, already? Everyone else calls it “Deflategate.” You guys tried to make it stick, it didn’t.

I’m a big fan of the blogs that the Commentariot write for Leslie Horn.

Kevin Draper - this article.

I was really expecting this to be a self reflective inside-deadspin review. Of course I am biased and wonder how Deadspin stays afloat because I am an outsider and betting against the site in nearly every way since GQ writers are reviewing movies and video games on a SPORTS BLOG. el-wtf.