
I guess you didn't listen to a lot of music this year...

All you Internet people are always ready to get defensive and fight. He liked the fact that it was on lists both good and bad. Relax.

Deadspin Staff

Cool list, dads

Fucking seriously?

Seriously this sites taste in music is pure shit

Dear Nicki, Fuck You.

I cannot see why Minaj took the Angola gig. She’s internationally famous, successful, and is probably worth eleventy-billion dollars. It’s not like she can’t make the rent. Is it greed, narcissism, or just lack of fucks for the suffering of those under such a regime?

So you quote this “systemic shit” then go on to say you actually have never experienced it / don’t know what it’s like. Ok.

Juries don’t declare mistrials. That’s what the judge is for.

Probably on the issue of whether or not he was guilty of the charges.

Honestly, if you end up with one juror essentially saying “the police are selfless civil servants and besides, the dirty... er, inner city thug probably had it coming”, and then on the other side, another juror saying “all these damn pigs deserve to die, set this one in a chair and I’ll pull the switch myself!”, and

If by “edge” you mean self-righteous and lazy hipster critiques on how something is terrible because those you deem below you actually like it, sure, I’m sure plenty of folks are clamoring.

“Why would people be scared of someone just because they’re Muslim?” “Why don’t more people want to help refugees?” “If feminists believe everyone should be equal, why isn’t everyone a feminist?”

It’s a false comparison. I don’t think we should ignore Trump because he’s bad, I think we should ignore Trump because his power *ONLY* comes from his media presence. Shitstains like Westboro Baptist and Isis and whateverthefuck else actually have ideologies and deeply held religious beliefs, however twisted and

We should all wear whatever the hell we want. Despite the title of this article, that's what real adults do. So, if you have a class ring and it makes you look and feel good, go for it.