
Don’t do crazy things and then expect the Joe Sixpack working airport security to ALSO not do crazy things.

From you link: “However, to call it the Republican plan, as though a majority of Republicans endorsed it, goes too far. The House Republicans took a different path, and there was opposition from more hard-line members of the Republican coalition. It is telling that the Chafee bill never became a full blown bill and

Instead of peddling fake news for idiots, you could have just said “A few Republicans once pondered a plan that had an individual mandate, and Heritage Foundation folks liked the idea of an insurance exchange, but this was never on the agenda of the Republicans and a massive federal overhaul of heathcare was never

$28? That’s your big score? That’s what you’re so hyped over ACA, over?

Oooh, breaking news from 2013!

lol, definitely not “all workers” unless your talking about “all EMPLOYED workers”

yes, yes, definitely melt down in front of your children in order to gain their empathy because you’re torn up over the election. That’s a great fucking plan. You aren’t fucking insane at all.

Well... We’ll add Drew to the list of “people we can’t fucking trust if the shit really does hit the fan, because they’re already losing their grip.”

oh yeah, just like that. Except, you know the authority to raise funds through taxation has been a staple of the nation state for thousands of years.

“you’re only allowed to work this job if you pay a fee” - Maybe you can re-brand unions as “Herbalife” and do better?

Sorry, this is SO weird. Last night I thought out of no where - “I wonder if there’s a competitive KI community?”

most of that negative WAR comes from playing DH. He was also a bad outfielder when he played, but hopefully the plan is not to put him out there this year.

Unions MIGHT need to come up with a better sales pitch. Because this one isn’t working. “I lobbied to the government to require you to pay me a portion of your wages.” Good plan.

Amanda is not an elite boxer. Ronda was still the #1 contender, so they couldn’t send her back to the drawing board to fight against cans. That doesn’t bring money. UFC wasn’t doing that and neither was she.

skimming the school’s report.... I’d expel a lot of them.

ding ding ding. Told y’all if Obama was President we’d have rampant race-mixing.

His lawyers don’t need to be “excused.” It’s their job to defend their client. If they gotta slut shame this lady to successfully defend him, that’s what they’re gonna do. It’s like blaming a garbage man for smelling of garbage.

Maybe I’m missing something... is there any evidence in this entire piece that Josh Brown beats his wife? Or are we just taking his wife’s accounts as fact?

that photo angle at the top is amazing. I think we saw a similar one last year when the Pats were in Dallas? Maybe? Either way I want more of them.

If you were sexual assaulted, call the police. Don’t opt for the kangaroo court and then be upset when you get a kangaroo court.