
Any adult that would lay a hand on my kid to hurt him/her would find out what real 'hurt' means. And I don't even have kids.

Wow, I didn't expect that. Ok, Honey Maid, you got me.

Wrong. There are only total idiots on the republican side, almost to a person they reject anything that is said by a person in a white lab coat. For god's sake it was last presidential primaries when ALL REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES denied evolution. All of them. Presidential candidates. Yes, I suppose there is


When that thing looks at me I want to hide.

Just like the show. Creepily good.

I'm a big fan of muppets from the getgo when they were featured on SNL, and before on Sesame Street. I'm kind old school about them and don't like any of the "newer" creations.

I thought the article was spot on correct, those are my least favorite Muppets. But, I'd never tell the kids that. :)

Oh, and before I forget...what "cheap scares" are you talking about? And what makes them "cheap" anyway? Or was it just to make a word count? Anyway it's stupid to imply that becasue you make WD sound like some Late Nite Horror B-movie. So, you know. Shut the hell up.

I'd shoot Lizzie. That's a good start.

Meh. As usual Gawker pumped this up to be something less than it actually was.

Why do I not know of this person???? Handler, not moleman.

Christianist butthurt....ahhhh like the arrival of Spring only stupid and with less pretty colors.

The bible says this dude got billions of species on his boat, essentially ALL the species that are alive today. Not only did he have room for all of them including such things as jellyfish, blue whales , germs, viruses

If the idiot author of this article doesn't know why sauron didn't show up "personaly" to get the ring, the author of this article is an illiterate moron and should go make listicles for Buzzfeed.

I love animals. But to me, this is not really 'cute'. It's kinda disturbing. But , whatever, Happy Pangolin Day!

I have tried twice to get thru the broken penis story but i keep getting to weak and fainty to scroll down.

Still...I'd rather watch UFC, lightweight preferably, especially the guys that wrestle around in the tiny spandex panties. Even my DVR gets a boner.

Putin's manboobs do not jiggle in unison when he rides.

Dingdingding. You win the internet for the day, Uncle C-C-C-Claudius.

You have zero understanding of 'coming out'. It's not about YOU, asswipe, it's about the gay person.

Ah. So your acceptance of gays is based on whether they irritate you with coming out stories on the web/tv?

I'm gay. If your "support" is based on that go fuck yourself.