schist happens

I was fooled throughout the entire episode until the improv guy was shot. But come on, weird things happen on this show... so yeah. But even once the improv guy was shot, my immediate thought was God as well. Made no sense, but I knew it wasn’t real.

I think the consensus is that they kept Ben Platt, even though he is well out of the teenage age bracket, because he knew and portrayed the character so well on stage. I’m willing to overlook that for those reasons.

But Lucifer had a weapon that could literally wipe an angel out from existence and he used it on his brother! For some reason, that feels much more serious than this episode. But I guess you could always say that’s exactly why he decided it was time to come down... He didn’t want to sit back and watch something

That ending... never has a finale of Lucifer ever made me want to watch more Lucifer!!! Terrific.

I loved this episode! And the actor who plays Dan was amazing, his raw emotion. And before Michael showed up, he was handling it pretty well- all things considered.

Firstly, YAY - Lucifer is back!!!

Well, what started off as a gneiss story ended up with me taking Mr Schist Happens for granite...

I always had a soft spot for this film because before the movie ever even came out, I had a close best friend who somewhat filled the role of “Tom”. We were best friends and we always joked that if I ever got married I would make him my maid of honor, because he was closer to me than any of my female friends. Needless

I wish there was a place to discuss this with spoilers abound... I watched this movie a couple days ago and I’m dying to hear other’s thoughts! And the ending definitely got me, I teared up- it was beautiful!

This x1000, I absolutely hated veggies and then tried them roasted with a little bit of spice, fantastic! Broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, etc. It's changed my life :)

Definitely listened to this at work... And I cried. Having just lost my mom, this was a shock, but absolutely beautiful.

This is exactly how I interpreted the scene, especially considering that he just saw a child die.  

I’m not sure why, but when Tench and the cop got out of the car and held up the cut cable wire, with the cop mentioning that people would come home at night and the first thing they would do is check to see if their cable was still connected... Geez, that really drove home the absolute fear that people had to live

I think for the most part this holds true... But in one instance, you are definitely wrong. Lucifer season 4 just added to how awesome the first 3 seasons were. 

As a child victim, I too was pulled into a room with people and was asked to tell the truth about someone I cared for (a family member). I lied. I lied and not a day goes by where I don’t regret it... but I was a kid, and the whole time I was in this process I kept thinking about how I wanted to protect them. That I

Here’s some good news... I’m someone who never watched Lucifer, but as I scrolled through my Netflix the other day, ended up watching all 3 seasons in a matter of one week. So, there’s hope for it yet!!!

The whole time I was watching that scene I thought it would end in a clever twist... would the stone recognize that you truly loved that person if you killed them? To me, I would never kill the person I love the most in the world for a stone that would provide me power. That’s not love- at least that’s not how I see

As someone who has survived sexual trauma, it is so hard to begin associating sexuality as something positive. I still remember my first encounter ending with me in tears... while the guy I was with (my best friend thankfully) was completely confused and a bit worried. I had to remind him of my past, not a pleasant

I read the first book in high school and remember really liking it. The whole back story for master chief was really well done and I’ve been secretly wanting a show or movie made ever since.... But, then again, high school me has been wrong so many times before.

This is a big one for me, I don’t care about 4k too much. First off: there’s really not much available to begin with and secondly: it’s usually things you wouldn’t care about being hidef. Would I like to see some comedy in 4k? Sure, but I wouldn’t pay extra for it. To me, it’s the screens. I had to upgrade before I