
Aladdin, Disney is still trying to patent 'flying magic carpets' or making some from "sand land" a good guy

Disney even included their token POC in the trailer

The first half is very not like CP, very erotic novel-eque, no mystery. Second half it begins to pick up, but it is lacking. I would loan it from the library if you really want to read it. I would love to read a spinoff of the book, from the male perspective though - what the men do when the women lock themselves in

He mentions it at the very beginning.

Finished this was pretty bad. It doesn't have the "why am I reading this f'd up book" feel like his other books. Not as bad as Snuff though, but close

Haven't read I, Robot or The Complete I okay? Recently started and they explained the Spacers

and Kapernick is a punk because of tattoos, but OMG Big Ben is amazing!!!!!

I was talking about this case not the team name or about African Americans. They gave up a ton for him, while it isn't his fault, he has been out 1.5 seasons, people would be upset.

I don't think RG3 and him falling apart (not literally) has to do with racism ("cornball brother" incident does though), it's just what Washington gave up for him and that he was billed as the savior of the franchise. But if Washington had a " decent group of skill position players" then why didn't they play any

thank you for not including 1984 or Brave New World

Nice Silicon Valley reference, didn't catch it on first read

look at this WHITE blogger poking fun at a family. He is so WHITE that he needs to mentioned it all the time when he brings up the family. he must have to fill out a WHITE space for this family.

So I assume it will be the brother playing with the sister? A bonding experience that starts at the beginning?

Gronk is a thug

You daughter has better handwriting than I do

Can they also add auto bids should be in the play-in game?

Is the author actually Matt Farley and wants more money?

I thought they did based on the title of the article

How about female voices, specifically talking about ESPN? Most of the newer ones all sound the same. I know there are voice coaches (to get rid of local accents) but the men all have their own voice characteristics.