
Creationists believe that God’s created “kinds” in the Bible refer most often to the family level.

I think it depends on the sport. It no doubt gives defensive players an advantage playing football.

This is stupid and out of place. Keep your politics off Gizmodo and on your political trash sites.

(a) what’s in it and (b) in what condition are the chickens kept?

Hopefully the school can also help them find a cassette player.

This should work:

This should work:

Can somebody post the full link the the Amazon Android App Giveaway page? The internet settings here at work won’t follow the link.

Can somebody post the full link the the Amazon Android App Giveaway page? The internet settings here at work won’t

Here’s what I don’t like: I don’t want a huge phone. The 4.7 inch Moto X was awesome. The 5.2 was also awesome, but just a teeeeeny bit big for my taste. But this? No. I want this phone, just shrunk down to 5.2 again. I’d even pay more for that. I said it last year and I’ll say it again: Bigger != Better.

It’s a common tactic — transparent though it may be — to vilify the opposition by twisting words and assigning new labels.

We already have a great application for mobile sites, it’s called a browser. Make a good mobile version of your website, you don’t need a separate app for that.

Do we have a list of any of these offenders?

This person is trans, they already have problems with accepting reality.

How about people just be who they are when they left the womb?

Because robotic arms are expensive to replace when your rocket crashes into them at 600 miles an hour

1-I definitely think people at mcdonalds deserve more money. I say everybody should have all the money they want in the world to do whatever their heart desires. But reality is much crueler than that.

yes piracy is stealing. i’m not arguing that. but spotify is not stealing. why? because you or your chosen representative signed a legally binding contract with spotify that agreed to them streaming your music in exchange for a monetary sum. since when is no longer liking a deal you struck a way to back out of a

see above. sense of entitlement. I’m not belittling music or the industry. But i’m saying instead of treating yourselves as something special, compare it to other professions. ultimately despite all your passion for it, its just another job or career or profession. especially when you seek “fair” compensation for it.

You clearly missed the point of the post. If you’re an artist maybe you can’t go on tour because you are not talented enough?

What’s with this sense of entitlement that artists feel ?? Fucking ridiculous. We get it. It’s tough being an artist. You wanted an easy life? Should have become an accountant. Wanted to make a guaranteed big pay cheque every month? Spend 8 years in school and become a doctor.

a brief synopsis of the video would be nice for those of us at youtube-restrictive jobs