
The look on her face is less “I’m coming,” more “I’m faking."

This is how most charging stations get built - and why tesla is the success it is. Get real estate people to buy a tesla (because it’s cool having nothing to do with eco anything or environment), then they get annoyed they can’t recharge at their own corporate shopping centers, condo’s, strip malls, office buildings, w

About 4 years ago Tesla already opened something like that in Kettleman City, California. Not exactly like the rollerskate waitress diner he wanted, but it’s at least sort of like a lounge with a TON of chargers

In the same regard: “money-shift.

My Dad and I were talking about just that a couple weeks ago!

I don’t expect a large SUV to get as good as gas mileage as a small econo-box, but I also don’t want the large SUV “catching a break” because it’s a large SUV.


There really is a logic to allowing a larger vehicle to get worse mpg... I mean, none of us would expect a 15 passenger Transit to get the same mpg as a Prius C.

But a better approach than CAFE would just be to tax the living daylight out of gas and use the revenue to fix roads and provide a refundable tax credit

And it’s a perfect example why Tesla decided to do the supercharging network themselves.


Ok, but when are they going to fix how CAFE is calculated, where bigger cars are allowed worse mileage?

Someone will make a killing combining some sort of Drive-in / Restaurant / Fast Charger / Convenience Store chain. Much like gas stations don’t make money on gas anymore - they make it on the Chips & Snacks inside. I know Tesla has made murmurs about doing this - will be interesting what they come up with. 

The question with EVs was always “Which needs to come first, EVs or charging infrastructure?”  I will always give Tesla credit for realising that the obvious answer was “Both”. 

This highlights perhaps Tesla’s most important advantage: early, massive investment in fast charging stations, at locations that also provide food and other conveniences.

Have you seen the fatality rate for chickenpox in the above graph? It’s almost zero.

Because COVID-19 is, in the U.S., 63 TIMES more deadly than chickenpox?

Yeah, had this conversation with a coworker a couple hours ago. The problem is that a large percentage of the population lives in a black-and-white worldview where things are yes/no, true/false, or right/wrong. They have no understanding that life is all about shades of gray and nothing is perfect or guaranteed.

So it’s FAR more contagious, and it’s more deadly. If you’re a healthy adult who declines being vaccinated, I’m sorry but you’re a goddamn idiot.

The fact that 90+ percent of people in hospitals are unvaccinated is pretty much proof it does.

The fact that vaccinated people are getting sick is sadly fodder for the anti-vax crowd to claim the vaccine doesn’t work.

The fact that vaccinated people are getting sick is sadly fodder for the anti-vax crowd to claim the vaccine doesn’t work. They are completely ignoring the reduction in hospitalization/death that the vaccine is scientifically showing, while claiming they “follow the science” as they refuse to mask up or get vaccinated.