
Me: Donald Trump is a giant piece of shit who would make the world an infinitely better place by dying. When it comes to cocksucking, knobgobbling, turdburgling, and pudwapping, he is the epitome of all of them. No one before him has so embodied all of it in one complete shit-eating package.

Is this post satire?

I’m sorry, Thane is the best romance option in any mass effect game. Every Shepard should be with Thane. He is perfect and no one can convince me otherwise.

Wait, can you -only- access this alternative version after beating the game? Then it’s not really a Chapter 13, then is it?

Awwww are your poor feefees hurt?

Because statistics evidence and empirical research mean something. They actually include facts. You’re opinion driven and moronic.

I should have posted this on the Amalgam comics article earlier, but if you are into custom MTG sets, a while ago, I made a Marvel v DC set which utilized Amalgam heroes as gold cards. Here’s a link: