
Sean Taylor was a bit older I guess.

Now just add that St. Louis is the worst and you would have teed up all the softballs.

I feel the same way about “Farmer’s Market” and “Soul Cycle.”

I seem to recall something bad happened in Paris and maybe Brussels. But I don’t think there was a plane involved. Hmm, why can’t I remember? You’re right!! The soft target argument is BS.

Pay the TSA more money then they will perform? By any chance, are you in a teacher’s union?

How long have you worked for the TSA?

Who is “we?”

She seems like a lot of fun, what with indigenous people’s day and everything

Travelling in the NBA? No way.

I would try to hide it too

Can someone explain to me why this is funny? Or was it supposed to be interesting? I don’t get it.

The proper use of the turn signal while starting the chase at the end of the video is incredible.

I think the White Sox won the most regular season games in the 90s. I also don’t think anyone cares. For managers and teams, Championships matter.

Were there other teams in the playoffs? Ned Yost is not impressed with what Maddon has done.

I think there was another franchise in Florida that didn’t have a long history and managed to win a few times.

The Royals went to the world series twice. And won.

Great point. The cubs did win 3rd place last year, plus the wild card play in round. Ass kickers!

Great call. And I’ll add Ned Yost to the list of managers who have accomplished more with less.

“ Joe Maddon, the best manager of his generation”

I’m a bit confused. Why is it cool when deadspin offers hot takes? People usually chime in with such brilliance as “This.”