
“ If a lot of people die from one common thing, it’s OK if a lot of other people die of something else?” - exactly - this. I’ve had it with people minimizing it with no real information, using the (supposed, but really unknown) death rate compared with flu (saying,”you know, the death rate from flu is blah blah blah,

While we’re adjacent to the topic: GET YOUR GODDAMN FLU SHOTS THIS YEAR FOR FUCK'S SAKE.

I don't wear my ring all the time. But I guess I'd make a point to wear it if i were broadcasting to anyone that the state of my marriage was fine? 

Everyone’s wedding looks the same on Instagram. There’s a barn, church, hotel, museum, beach, or backyard,

On the one hand, I think the carceral system is a brutal method of state violence that disproportionately affects the poor and minorities. On the other I’m happy to see Weinstein rot. It’s a conundrum.

The point of prison isn’t supposed to be that it brutalizes people—it’s supposed to be adult time out (sometimes forever). Prison violence, and the inhumanity of the carcerel system should be thought of as failings, not “features” of the system.

He could have hired me for cheaper: use your wealth to treat the other prisoners to commissary goods to avoid getting stabbed. As a white man he doesn’t need to worry about the guards. 

The Warren campaign was polling really well at a national level and at various early-primarying states until it was decided that her political positions needed to be torn apart. Oddly, the white men in the race, who also have political positions, did not have their positions torn apart. How very odd.

She was a lot of people’s second choice, which means that she actually (if current standings hold) walks out with a solid number of delegates from Iowa—Buttigieg and Sanders each with 13 and her with 10 or thereabouts. The “winner” of each state matters less under the Democratic system than the Republican one, since

I just looked at the results map online, and can I say, damn you Iowa.  Elizabeth Warren didn’t take a single county.  This country will never elect a woman, no matter how qualified.  I hope she doesn’t drop out before one of the larger state’s primaries, such as CA or NY.

You really should not be a critic. I don’t say that in a snarky or demeaning way. I say that with the sincerity of someone who doesn’t always get movies, or people, or motives. Honestly, you brought nothing to the review other than a predetermined hatred of the movie, and seeing a movie in that state is not conducive

My grandmother survived the Holocaust by being smuggled around German attics. Jojo Rabbit was my favorite movie of 2019. This is an appalling take on a movie that tells today’s kids what being a Nazi looks like and how to stop being a Nazi, by putting it in a frame they will actually pay attention to.

“Me”, and “restaurants I love.”

This article immediately made me think of the old awesome Elliot Stabler: Rage Cop” meme page but I can’t find it now (my work blocks tumblr). The SVU formula works because we all fantasize about a world where cops give a shit about rape and zealously go after powerful men and rapists. This is nothing like our world

On the first date with my now boyfriend, he was running late due to rush hour traffic. However, since I was friends with the bartender, I was able to have him ring up two drinks for my boyfriend under the happy hour special before it ended. When he showed up, I just had to gesture to the bartender who brought him his

JoJo Rabbit isn’t trying to make you laugh along with Nazis. It illustrates how absurd the beliefs about the Jews were, how propaganda can influence even children, and how we must never stop fighting fascism.

Because they have the meats. 

I had a very different interpretation. Propaganda is seductive and it is easy for people (especially kids) to buy into the world-view they are being fed. His mom (and absent dad who was in the resistance) knew better; but couldn’t risk exposing him to what they were up to. He met a real Jewish person and discovered

my takeaway was definitely different.