Then men should keep their knees together.
Then men should keep their knees together.
I was commissioned as an Air Force officer in 76. I kicked, punched and clawed my way through, until they broke me.
This is what I wish so many women would understand. Especially Trump-supporting women. No matter if you do everything ‘right,’ they can and will still turn on you. And at some point, you will disagree with them.
I think we ought to get on with our lives. I think that computers have complicated lives very greatly. The whole age of computer has made it where nobody knows exactly what is going on. We have speed, we have a lot of other things, but I’m not sure we have the kind the security we need. But I have not spoken with the…
Whenever I read a frothy article that’s all ‘Here are the top ten things in women’s fashion that men hate’, I just want to do everything on the list as a reminder that I do not exist for anybody’s boner. It’s that level of pettiness that led to me cutting off all of my hair after a boyfriend told me he didn’t want me…
Great piece. And may I recommend getting fat? I am completely invisible now. But nothing makes men angrier than a fat feminist who loves herself. Example number one - Lindy West. She rocks.
Vanity keeps me from throwing away my makeup and sanity keeps me from, as I often feel the repugnant urge, breaking the mirror with the surface of my own face and leaving us both cracked open. But I also can’t deny my current impulse to become as ugly and unlikeable as I can, merely to serve as constant reminder of…
This is so good. And mirrors so much of what I feel. Hopeless and angry and just so fucking full of rage at the class of men that I don’t know what to do with myself.
This was amazing. Thank you for writing!
Madeleine Davies, always my favorite.
Fuck Tom and all the Toms of the world.
Not to mention, they pick on “easy prey” — that is, people who have poor self-esteem, aren’t close to their families (super-overbearing or controlling parents), or abused by their families.
Honestly? I used to beg my abusive ex-husband to stop being nice to me because it just confused me and made me feel worse. I know you’re trolling, but I just cannot scroll past that. Abusers start out nice. Otherwise they’d never have victims. They give you the silent treatment for days on end but then rub your…
Do you think all abusive assholes come bearing a warning sign? Ultimately it doesn’t matter why she was with him. She wasn’t the one beating and sexually abusing people for decades. He was. She was not responsible for his behavior.
Even intelligent people end up with abusers. Nobody starts off a jerk; I’m sure this man was very kind and loving to her during their courtship. Abuse is a cycle, and it doesn’t really kick into gear until the victim has been emotionally beaten down and isolated from their support system. Getting out is the difficult…
Presumably she didn’t know he was “like that” when they wed. Abuse is usually gradual in the beginning. Then, as the abuse escalates, they isolate you. A process made easier by the shame the abused feel when made to answer questions like “Why did you marry someone like that?”
The fact that this is the biggest question you have after reading this story is a reason why violence against women is still so prevalent. Here’s an obtuse answer to an obtuse question. The majority of abusers are super charming and loving in their good moods. They also find ways to slowly chip isolate the person they…
Lol are you serious?