
It is a post it! When I read it in high school I realized that everything I ever said or wrote was poetry, all it needed was some creative line breaks! Even my To Do lists are poetry. It's been my favorite poem ever since!

I put this elsewhere but here it is again:

This is just to say

^I was trying to embed this picture but it wouldn't let me, but here he is. Luke loves tattoos.

My handsome boy is Luke. He is a rebel; I adopted him after he was picked up for cutting the heads off parking meters. We never fail to communicate. :)

Some people deserve to die, but I don't believe it should be the roll of the state to murder its citizens no mater what they have done. Lock them up forever, and if something horrible should happen to them in prison I'll be glad to hear it, but no, my personal desire for revenge does not trump my principled opposition

Some people deserve to die, but I don't believe it should be the roll of the state to murder its citizens no mater what they have done. Lock them up forever, and if something horrible should happen to them in prison I'll be glad to hear it, but no, my personal desire for revenge does not trump my principled opposition

Some people deserve to die, but I don't believe it should be the roll of the state to murder its citizens no mater what they have done. Lock them up forever, and if something horrible should happen to them in prison I'll be glad to hear it, but no, my personal desire for revenge does not trump my principled opposition

The song was originally written for Rihanna, so this reaction is even more telling with that in mind...

Tracie, you are a bad person. Why do you think it's cool to make fun of someone's genitals on the internet. He isn't a celeb, he is a regular guy whose picture was taken without his consent and now you think we should sexually harass him on the internet? Fuck you. Would you like it if we all made fun of how your tits

It bums me out that we have to stick the word 'plus' on anything for bigger women. I understand that we do not live in a world where a beauty pageant can just be inclusive of all sizes but it would be really nice.

If she didn't have the grill, if the black women were integrated throughout the video instead of being segregated to one weird scene, if she hadn't worn that headband… This clip might not have been so problematic.

Not saying I disagree with the overall point, but the black girls are not only in that one scene. They and other black people are in every group scene and one of them is in the kitchen with Miley. This video is integrated.

My friend had a kickstarter that was successful insofar as he got the money... thing is... he over promised on the rewards and underestimated how much to ask for. You don't get any of the money if you don't meet your goal so he asked for too little. If it weren't for kickstarter he would have never realized that he

Small penis sexual harassment anecdote: This weekend I called a car service in Brooklyn for a ride home around 1:30am. My car showed up and I hopped in and began making small talk with my driver.

Fine, but jez did just post a 'stop asking writers to write for free' (granted by Lindy and not Jessica) thing and this whole thing is about the damn headline being misleading.

My girlfriend in high school licked my eyeball. Just for kicks. No big deal.

My girlfriend licked my eyeball in high school. She wanted to, it wasn't really my thing but it was no big deal. Whatever makes you happy.