
depending on your stance of ethics vs. convenience, the phb was something like 30 on Amazon a few weeks back.

I'm pretty sure the talk show shit is (or at least has become) an elaborate in joke.

Those are characters, I never got far enough in to hate them. Zach Braff's stupid fucking face just turned me into a pale weak version of the incredible hulk.

the scrubs comparison is sort of eerie for me, because the talk a bit up top about punching Joel McHale is why I can't even consider scrubs- I know lots of people who like it, but Zach Braff's stupid fucking face sends me into a rage that I barely comprehend.

they also could have just hand waived it by having her set the explosive manually then throwing it and running.

I like to think of them as the most off target AC/DC tribute band.

Isabel's mask is probably a reference to Rose Wilson's Ravager look.

For the sake of playing devil's advocate, I'd probably argue torture as comparable to rape, in terms of violence, cruelty and degradation.

he's the only character with any sort of real agency, at least. the fact that the Jedi didn't once ask "so, who benefits from all this" and notice that Palpatine was getting a ton of control for 14 years is pretty bad.

I thought the big obi wan/anakin fight had a story to it- Obi Wan seems to be on defense the entire fight, he even warns anakin against the stupid jump. I kinda thought the whole thing was Obi Wan working up to having to kill his best friend and still not being able to do it. It's been a while since I watched it,

Was Hayes a hypocrite? it sure seemed like some scientology handlers took issue as Hayes was basically fading. I dunno either way, but it seemed like he had a stroke and then his handlers sort of pushed him out the door.

yeah, that's a fair thing to be ticked off about. I just think the idea that you get to be mad at someone for not getting a wedding invite is off, no matter what stupid reason that person has. it's their dumb wedding, they get to do whatever dumb crap they want.

yeah, but Ted Mosby Is Horrible is the actual message of that show, so that's okay. they're just hammering home his main character point- horribleness.

I agree point on everything except the wedding exclusion- it's not like Boyle got her removed from someone else's wedding. People get to decide who goes to their wedding. that's the way it works. Is it a crap reason for excluding her? yes. but that's the one day you can do that.

I think Garibaldi being a betraying spy master is the 4th season? he might have fallen off the wagon in the 5th, but the actions that lead to it are in the 4th.

Sure there was. as she put it "California has the death penalty."

you respond to it in other ones! you also use big feels words like "violated" and "betrayal," which I would wholeheartedly like to apologize for using those as synonyms for cheating. my apologies.

I'm sorry you feel my rhetoric sucks, but it doesn't change the fact that you're resorting to name calling rather than addressing what I'm saying and that I'm using the definition of a word which is the definition most people use.

Sure I did. you said things that weren't accurate. She didn't violate a committed relationship. she didn't cheat. If my wife did the stuff that Veronica did before Piz broke up with her, I'd be pretty pissed, but I could get over it. "I'm helping an old friend who might get killed unjustly" is actually a fairly

(I do want to, again, emphasize that there's a difference between what we're arguing and cheating, which is the word you used more than once. Cheating is usually an act of physical intimacy.)