
Remember that sleeping with Logan happened after Keith was almost killed and Sacks(?) was killed. emotional trauma played a part in their hookup.

you said cheat, which she didn't- she didn't kiss Logan, she didn't screw him. you can argue, pretty well, that she violated the spirit of their relationship, but she didn't cheat, because cheating usually means a physical act.

She didn't violate it, though- he clearly ended the relationship, and THEN she hooked up with Logan. a fast rebound isn't cheating. She treated him quite poorly but never broke the letter of their relationship.

I have no complaints, I straight love the rockford files.

So, if they restart this show, it's just the Rockford Files with a female lead at this point, right? we even get an answer machine, though it's Logan's instead of Veronica's.

Ahh, okay, gotcha. I was an OCD teen gamer at that point, so I was just keeping Squall using his mega death limit break all the time for super big fights like that.

the 2ds ditches the 3d graphics and comes in at $120 or so on Amazon right now.

Punishes? by that do you mean the in game memory issues? the limitations of summoning as a damage source?

eh, if you like to keep up on current seasons of shows, have cut the cord on cable, and don't just torrent stuff, Hulu serves a purpose.

built in weaponry. it should be more utilitarian, the Weapon X movement.

this is true, but I was a mean spirited child/teen, so I gravitated to Mike's "you use humor as a weapon against things you hate" approach.

"last episode of 2012" Man, time just flies.


I heard a much more boring version where it's "Beadle greeted Punk with 'hey fuckface,' and AJ told her it was inappropriate."

well, I doubt her being a woman had anything to do with Ben Weasel's punching. For Ben Weasel, punching is truly the most gender neutral of activities.

I did like that the conflict was within one species on this one- it's not X vs. X, but violent old world vs. non violent attempt to hide in plane sight. a lot of times it's either "this is a new wesen that probably needs to die," or the aforementioned two species violence. only the blutblot(sorry about spelling) and

what happened with Eminem's music? neither performances were on hulu plus. did he swear a lot or something?

Didn't dollhouse get a full season order?

well, you can be annoyed at both. as well as the reversal of not wanting kids.