
“is a crossbow a gun?” the greatest thread in the history of forums, locked by a moderator after 12,239 pages of heated debate.

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You don’t have too! They are all still around and are now the Easy Allies. This was from e3 last year and they are doing e3 this year as well. You should check them out!

Most of the GT crew are now at, they started a Patreon last year in March. Check em out!

I’d argue that Ubisoft has the best show every year simply for how predictably awkward it is and the musical guest they bring to motivate the crowd to not dance for just dance.

We’re not gonna get a new one ever, so I’d settle for another remaster on Switch.

Metroid Prime Deluxe.

A new Metroid prime game from the original studio....

Saw this on reddit last week and it seems like the guy was legit:

I would fuck Sean Spicer in the mouth for $38,000/yr.

Fixed issue where SAM would mistakenly tell Ryder they have new email

No, prey to the gods is this. In fact, any game that has prey in the titles, is easily this game, even, “Hieronymus Merkin falls prey to the feminine wiles of Mercy Humppe,” is this game. Just like any game with scrolls in the title is an Elder scrolls game.

Every week or so, the Switch needs a hard reboot. Hold the physical power button, click power options, and restart console. Literally the only thing affected by leaving it on for weeks at a time is network connections. It must not be clearing something properly.

This is so typical on licensed F2P games... In south america (where no company gives a shit about users) we received the patch binaries for our online games months after the events occured in “real” life, so we end up finishing the halloween events when we apply the christmas patch because lazy developers taking a lot

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I think we can all agree this was definitely a moment that was missing, and at the same time, laugh at how incredibly enthusiastic this crowd was about features that they’d already had for years. (For anyone who wasn’t in the loop, that’s how bad the Xbone was looking at the time.)

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You totally forgot the best one from E3 2013: