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Well, as someone trying to get into this industry: what do you think?

Another great reel :)

HA- thank you :)

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I might try a different controller layout but this was me last night. The struggle is real folks haha:

Hell the batmobile tries to kill Batman! I called the batmobile near a cliff, jumped in and kept falling off. :(

Chris, please record my voicemail message. Dat voice- :P

Thank you.

I am too lazy today- can someone photoshop some form of DLC-unlock package? Prease?!

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I was truly hoping this would make it :(

As of January it was still in development. I wonder if they are waiting to get Witcher 3 out the door first before teasing any more.

Mario Kart 8 3DS Komplete Package

AHH! For the life of me I couldn’t pin down why D’vorah was so familiar! Thank you!! :D

... “And that’s about it!” _(ツ)_/¯

Yeah- I’m dying over here. This was amazing :D