
That was just shock to your body putting anything in it but water after running that distance, I've done the same thing with every sports drink ever after lengthy excercise...I used to do track in college and we almost attacked a dude that brought a gatorade jug instead of water, places 1-10 all violently threw up

Your pooping should take under a minute tops, if it doesn’t you are definitely not digesting well

My prom was more about party drugs and half naked girls more than anything...Then again this was the 2000s, we had class....

Hahaha its not like they are running international banks robbing the world, destroying the environment for petty materials, or leading huge wars for profit, get your fucking priorities in check and leave your bias at the door....

You need some anthropology lessons....

Right? A little bit of cultural relativity is always nice in these situations, the author clearly is a western ethnocentric person. Women there are definitely taking care of it since its already 50 percent or less in the most rural areas, and hey, its not like they are responsible for all the worst problems in the

I haven't been this happy watching a movie in forevererer....

Hah you mean when usa took part of canada? Read a book retard

Says the canadian that lost a ton of land in that war hahaha

1992 called and they want their word for music back....=)

Meh I’m a white atheist and I had a way worse time at the vatican than visiting mecca, talk about your intolerant people.....They probably didnt like how i showed a few tours where the nazis hid out there so maybe I had it coming lol

Christians molest children, not new news lol

Why so much money for extra characters ?! =(.....Oh well its not you should play as anyone other Kung Jin....dem combos and regular attack ranges my gawd

Oh look white trash looks the same from every country...

This article was awesome! I work with ethnobotany, heirloom and traditional agriculture, and environmental reclamation projects and this was the first article in a while I've read that talked about the real issues of this topic from all perspectives!

HAH!!!! Maybe YOUR beard isn't full of poop, mine most definitely is!!

My friend’s book concerning the current final collapse of the Sacramento Delta, where nearly 23 million americans live, has barely sold a thousand copies since its release a few months back.... "Welcome to you're DOOM"

“even though really you were just too lazy/depressed to shave for the past month or so” .....Theres always a grace period where you look "rugged" but one day wake up and its in the homeless person phase...

I drove to baltimore for the first time just to join some friends who were protesting(I’m white looking) and decided to committ dozens of small crimes while walking around the nonpolice controlled seemed like a sick cruel joke out there :(

As a white looking person who drove to Baltimore to join the protests, what curfew? Oh you mean martial law placed on black people while I got to walk around drinking a 6 pack on the street...I pissed inside a mailbox too! I committed nearly 30 small crimes just to prove a point!