
What should you do if you get mad at a video game? LAUGH INSTEAD, because its a video game

“If there is actually a hell, all of the scientist already have that place filled with a/c and climate controlled" —some internet source I can't remember

Ah the xbox 360 experience was ported to pc?! That blows!

Don't we all just love how much mythology believers care about their fellow humans?!

Everyone donate to Jason Becker and the ALS fund! If you dont know who he is, he’s an incredible guitarist who has made music despite having ALS and being fully paralyzed...LETS FUCKING CURE THIS SHIT ALREADY!!!!!

They should just sport swatztikas the rest of the time on set, probably give him a small taste of the treatment of Native Americans

Hmmm I wonder how they would feel if all the Native American actors sported swatztikas the rest of the time on set? Lol

Ooo yeah rape the sexual act came after the world for "rape the land"...In fact (christianity) had a bad problem with rape being widely accepted until U.S. laws in the 20th century =(

LOL poor people are finding out rich people smoke most the good weed is what this should be titled....Generals in the Army, District Attourneys, head doctors, deans of departments, etc all smoke weed...Welcome to history

Omg there are places with data caps? Thats so fucked up!

I wasn't going to cry today, but then you had to have "Grave of the Fireflies" on this list....thanks...

I wasn't going to cry today, but then you had to have "Grave of the Fireflies" on this list....thanks...

I got my original Xboxlive account banned because I trashed talked a child so hard he started crying, then his mom got on the headset and I said I would show her boy something to cry about when I'm facefucking her in front of him....Halo 3 made "ME" the worst troll....

I think its weird mythological magical people are being brought up in todays society....

Hah I did that but tennis ball, gunpowder and instant strike match heads...You can throw it at walls etc(not people) and it makes a puny flash bomb....I feel like every kid who lived in areas with firework sales have extensive makeshift explosives knowledge lol

All that hate and racism, and the dude isn't even white! Maybe we should start a campaign informing everyone of his social race delusions?

You must not have a wii u and want to hook up gamecube controllers! 12.99 piece is 80 bucks to find :/

You must not have a wii u and want to hook up gamecube controllers! 12.99 piece is 80 bucks to find :/

Cue the "A-Team" music!!!

Lol....pigs aren't people, they're all horrible monsters like the dude in video...

The saddest thing is that we don't just wipe out all anti-choice people, they relish in reproductive health clinics actual bombings and think its hilarious their "enemies" are murdered by people like them. Just saying, maybe we should start some camps where sexists, bigots, and racists can be relocated to

Guh I felt terrible but I've had to fire several pregnant women when I had manager level positions....Its unfortunate but they very quickly become huge liabilities and a hindrance to productivity :(