
I love tattoos but this is dumber than when my friends "white and gold dress" tattoo blew up the internets...

I'm pretty sure I did this same thing in a game from gamestop and it was hilarious...

hah way to live in the past retard....OMG ITS A TATTOO DERP DERP....

The funniest thing is how my friends simple tattoo is exploding the internet...Hopefully he gets enough money from all you to finish his scooters...

The Attack on Titan picture....fucking solid if you've ever seen the first episode...

no no let the straight guys, we're already good a fucking pussies lol

As a Texan, fuck Ken Paxton...

This is the weirdest article, as a skinny person who tries to have clothes, all the clothes are made for fatties....

Robert Deniro's wife is black? That just makes him way cooler....

14 times I beat vault of glass until I recieved my first piece of raid armor, another friend had the full set by the second time through....I wanted to love this game but it fucked me...

I beat the first raid 14 times before getting a piece of raid armor....Lets just say at 30 I quit the game and havent even looked at the dlc I paid for...

I bet if we all worked together we could unconvert this pope to be non-religious, he seems like a decent guy with alot of power but he's forced to harbor some nasty views because of his religion...

I managed to make ethan not die in the first episode and now the game is glitched out with ethan and duncan jumbled into one person with both sets of lines playing at the same time.....I love broken games sometime =)

Yeah I've heard woman or women be used as a pejorative term quite often....Theres a brand new thing called context and intent, it has alot to do with language

Thats old news everyone knew about last week! Its all about the plants vs zombies easter egg...

Ahh the summer of love =)

So we all agree to start calling backwards christian people "faggots" right? Because we need to ameliorate that term

So is everyone on board with calling backwards christian people "faggots"? Lets ameliorate that word and put it where it belongs...

Ugh, can't we like...idk...create camps to send all christian people to and make them "concentrate" on being decent humans....

Theres only been a tiny handful of noteworthy good people from any and all religions, I'd say a tolerant religious person is a result of todays society and culture...Just remember until the early 1900s America's laws permitted and encouraged literally hunting native americans for money because they didnt count as real