
Well when I’m making a physical comparison between 2 people it seems inherent to the process to comment on their physical appearance. He can be pudgy all he wants, I’m not suggesting he needs to change himself for me or anyone else. How should I have said that he looks like Amy Schumer, but fat?

Ah, fat-shaming. The completely acceptable, family-friendly alternative to homophobia.

Lol “back in the day” You aren’t the only one over 35 pal. And we BOTH know that people said faggot and other slurs waaaay more often.

Stop saying “full stop”

Young people with bad social skills and no filter suddenly being cast into the Internet’s limelight for the whole world to see... what could go wrong?

If you are on the internet in a situation where people you don’t know can see or hear you, you are in public, full stop.

It’ll get better but online gaming was its own toxic world for a long time, and really only recently is getting real levels of exposure. Still a lot of bad habits exist from the free-for-all days.

Wow, that took an unexpected turn.

This guy looks like a pudgy, male Amy Schumer.

So what you’re saying is taking a group of individuals traditionally known for being socially awkward misogynists who have spent years competing in an environment where they had complete anonymity and could say whatever to whomever they please with little to no repercussions, and turning into celebrities overnight

like a 1:10 ratio of positive esports stories to negative ones. It has to be a fundamental problem with the culture of competitive gaming.

Yeah, the guy’s an absolute hypocrite.

Doesn’t change the reality of the behavior he called out—he just needs to be called out for the same shit, because he’s just as guilty.

Looks like he intended to kill a career, and now he’s gone and stoned his own with an unintended boomerang effect.

I’m going to be honest: I

“It’s allllll in the hips. It’s allllll in the hips. It’s allllll in the hips.” -Everyone ages 30-42

Holy shit that is an awful way to try and nap a way a Sunday afternoon.

The crowd yells “Get in your home!” Ball replied with a Family Circle routing.

“Looks like a metaphor for our son’s attempt to finish college in four years.”

Yep, and alt-rights huffed and puffed and got all pissed off about it. . .including Trump himself! Now they’re all like, eh, whatever, he’s under a lot of pressure and golf helps him relax. The staggering amount of hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of these people is truly astounding. They’re utterly shameless.

Yes, poorly written headline, for sure. I was panicked for a second, like, wait, did I just imagine that we survived the first year?!?

Anyone else read the headline and scream, “HOLY FUCK, HE’S ONLY BEEN IN OFFICE FOR A HUNDRED DAYS?!?!”