
Nah, I just like this version of Panthers jerseys better than the current one:

Keep in mind that most of the jerseys available on eBay are knockoffs sold direct from the Far East. If your intent is to help put money in Luongo’s pocket, then just be aware of that. If it’s just to support him by having his name on your back, then continue.

Meanwhile, I am headed to Ebay to buy one.

So you’re that guy. Got it.

I hate to say it, but this may harm Delaware’s reputation as a hotbed of major D1 sports.

You just know some stupid rube was in the crowd fuming because:

BRB, just going over to YouTube to see how many idiots are now burning their Luongo jerseys...

I only wish it hadn’t taken so long for him to speak up and take a stand. He might have been able to stop some shots back in the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals.

Hang on for a sec. Why would the guy’s stats have anything to do with speaking out about what happened? Would his speech have carried less weight if his save percentage was floating in the .850 range?

I expect Laura Ingraham to tell this guy to shut up

He will now no doubt get death threats because of freedom, liberty, Obama and the Clintons, etc.

The faux tough guys who care more about their guns can all go straight to hell. There is nothing in their ignorant points of view that warrant any amount of respect or consideration.

Thank you Roberto Luongo. It is rare for a hockey player to step up and take a political stand.

“Stick to sports.”

It’s a moot point for you, though, since judging by your screen name you are a Bills fan, and are always rooting for the underdog anyway.

Forget it, he’s rolling.

“Fourth and Down” might be the new “Germans bombed Pearl Harbor”.

Maybe a different section “This asshole might leave and then we’re fucked”.

Jason Kelce just called Mike Lombardi a clown on national TV at the parade. A fitting end to the season!