
I watched the pilot of Legion three times just to get it. The following episodes are not that over the top but still good (I haven’t watched all of them). Probably (I wouldn’t know) the best approximation of an LSD trip on tv.

I really wanted a Janet for Christmas. Fork Santa!

“Hey you want to go see Iron Maiden with me next week?”

ALSO: -Richard Spencer getting socked in the face -Jake Tapper taking down everyone - The producers of LA LA LAND apoplectically returning their Best Picture Oscar to Moonlight. - The Crown, Dammit - All Baseball Playoff Series, including the WS (maybe the best WS in the modern era) -ICARUS

My wife has been bugging me about watching Riverdale but I’ve been reluctant because it kind of has that CW teenager vibe to it that all their shows do. Is there anything worth watching there for middle-aged adults? I can enjoy shows with high-school or college settings, but not if it’s primarily aimed at a similarly

Curb Your Enthusiasm this season was fucking hysterical.

I have never seen Breaking Bad nor was I that interested in watching it; now, I don’t have to—because Metástasis is a scene-for-scene, line-for-line, episode-for-episode remake.

Riverdale can be a lot of fun but they really need to get past the “To make teenagers sound smart, they should make the same pop culture references a 42 year old TV writer would” stuff.

If it hadn’t happened already, 2017 was the year that prestige TV got oppressively boring.

Season 3 of “Rick And Morty” was the best thing I watched this year, and I’m not going to let the show’s douchebag fans ruin that for me.

I think the simple answer to why he thinks the stadiums are downtown is that he doesn’t look out the windows of his limo.

Gruden will always be overrated because he got traded to a loaded team and then lucked into playing his former squad who didn’t even change audible calls.

Having never seen Hundley in game action until Rodgers got hurt, I had high hopes based on McCarthy’s praise (mistake). As soon as I saw him on the field with that helmet though, I gave up.

Why does Hundley’s helmet always look way too small? Looks like he’s playing in one of those kids uniforms with the plastic helmet.

I clicked on it because I was sure you’d made up at least two of those names. +1 Devil’s Son In Law.

How would you rate this performance by the combined Bears QBs Larry Rakestraw, Jack Concannon and Rudy Bukich: 11 of 36 for 114 yards and EIGHT interceptions?

Amen. I remember being a 10 year-old in Green Bay when Brett and Reggie came to town. Just old enough to have a vague notion of how bad things were prior to their arrival but young enough to not have a mental limp brought on by watching the 70’s and 80’s teams. Now my dad seems to have completely forgotten the bad old

Somehow, they’ll find another star to sit on for an entire rookie contract, without a doubt.

If you are a Packers fan and under 25, you should know that this is what quarterback play looks like to much of the NFL. It is what you have to look forward to someday.

You know, it was really nice of you guys to not just populate this series with whoever was playing QB for the Denver Broncos last week.