
Alan Shearer did.

I’d wager good odds that Shearer did.

Is this a joke? It’s been talked about all week...

Yeah, it’s ridiculously contrived. But when your team can’t win trophies this is the type of thing you focus on.

I’m sure everybody would be totally reasonable if the Cavaliers benefited from a questionable call or two. Let’s check out last December 26th, shall we?

Leeeeeroooooyyy Mmmmjennnkiiins

I said good day!

When it first debuted, I found it very genuine, but as you say, once I actually listened to the strategy preamble (“I calculate 38.9%” or whatever absurdity it was) it became apparent it was an act.

There’s a fantastic little “nnnnnnnn” between the two words that just massages the back of your neck. “Leeeeeeeeeeroy nnnnnJeeeenkiiiiiinsss.”

I never really thought it was real, simply because nobody actually comes up with “chance of survival” when running a raid. Plus, them berating him at the end sounds scripted and insincere.

Hell, even that little bit of silence between Leeroy and Jenkins is perfect.

Mr. Archer is that you?

I was always under the impression that it was an exaggerated recreation of an actual event because we have all been there.

Real, fake, everything else that happens in the video, I really don’t care.

I think the reason it felt so believable to WoW players is because HOLY SHIT were there some stupid people playing that game. We’ve all experienced the joy of a Leeroy in our group at least once.

Yep, you are correct, this is my mistake. I’ve updated the post to clarify!

Yup! If you’re the type of person that would donate 50% of your income to charity, you are not the person that this article is probably written for, and have your own very specific tax issues.

Yep. Came here to say the same thing. You can deduct 100% of your charitable donations, up to 50% of your income. Why the cap? So that very wealthy people can’t cut their tax burden to zero by, say, donating their entire income to their own charitable foundations that, say, employ their children.

Exactly what was said above. You can generally deduct the full amount of the cash donation minus the fair market value of anything you receive in return for your donation. (Donate to a local public radio station? Deduct the fair market value of the tote bag you get back from them).