
Did you expect to Wagner to cite small comedian Kevin Hart 

It’s fortunate Wagner heard the Kevin Hart interview instead of the Katt Williams one, since I don’t think him getting his ass beat by a middle schooler would have made this situation any better.

Where exactly does the government get that money? FROM MY FUCKING POCKET. If you bother to use the handy calculators and project out the tax impact to 2023, I will be paying nearly 20% more in taxes than I currently pay now. Sure I will get a tax break in 2019 and 2020. But then I will pay it all back (all things

When the corporate tax rate is cut, and those dollars go into investors pockets, how is that not funneling money into the pockets of the rich? Then add in that this will get worse over the next 10 years, and I think this article is pretty spot on.

Democrats only like wars against brown people that live far away.

True Jalops heat their water on a fire pit and wash their cars outside during winter.

Democrats need to embrace the class war thing. “Yeah, this is class warfare. Who’s side are you on?”

If you are truly concerned with global warming you would be pro nuclear power. They have a smaller footprint than the solar and wind based plants everyone is so excited about, and they have a greater power generating capability. Is there a danger, yes but as I have said for years, all nuclear power plants should be

Yup - touchless car wash FTW in winter.

This is why you go to a “touchless” car wash, which is just a fancy power washer and soap sprayed at many different angles.

Yep, they’ll fold quicker than an origami expert, like they always do when the GOP breaks that fucking horseshit out.

Also: the minute the Republicans start with their “class war” bullshit, the Democrats will run screaming in the other direction.

Since Nancy Pelosi will still be the Democratic house leader, that tells you all you need to know about how serious they are about change.

You’re right that this is a golden opportunity for the Democrats to create a policy that will appeal to voters by addressing wealth inequality by doing something like drastically hiking taxes on the rich and corporations, as well as pushing something revolutionary like single payer healthcare and other major

I honestly feel like Democrats will run on a platform like this, but once in office, will be every bit as greedy as Republicans.

Another former server checking in. Yes, solo diners are treated the same as any other diner: if they seem chatty, I chat; if not, I refill drinks, bring takeaway containers, and check on their bread situation as silently as I can.

My favorite solo regular was a truck driver. Wes would come in, eat dinner, and at the

It’s a small thing, but I really prefer “How many?” so I can reply confidently “Just me!”

As a former waiter, I can confirm that solo diners are often a pleasure to serve. They usually know what they want, or are curious about the menu/drinks and want to ask about them. They are usually quicker, yes, but also require less legwork while they’re there. Even if they send something back or change their mind,

I’m good with dining alone, but sometimes I wish restaurants would make it easier for us soloists. The bar’s a good option, but I also wouldn’t mind if more restaurants—especially the ones with narrower storefronts—put a counter either by the window and/or a wall as well. The former is really great as it allows me to

I do wish the host would not ask “Just one?”