
The diversity in that picture is astounding . There are fat white men, slightly fatter white men, white women, and maybe even a few white people without a morbid amount of body fat. It think I may even see one really blurry black guy in the far, far back. I guess we will never know how Walker, Trump, and Ryan got

I bet the Pats doctors just have better painkillers. I’m talking about the REAL SHIT. None of that cheesehead crap.

As much as I like to rag on Green Bay fans, in fairness everyone else in that picture look like they’re having the reaction a normal person would to being around that guy.

The savy owners of the Packers strike again!

What follows is a transcription of his Instagram Story diatribe, in which he accuses the Packers of “cho[osing] money over me.” 

Jerramy Stevens vowed to catch the man who did this, but I wouldn’t hold out hope for that.

I am still irrationally attracted to her. She is crazy, but I can see it being worth it.

Huh, who knew that Sepp Blatter cared about anything other than money?

Although to be fair, he might have thought that was where she kept her wallet.

Han Solo is gonna fuck him up when he hears what Sepp did to his daughter.

Seriously. I can’t think of any serious repercussions had she responded by cold cocking him in the jaw. She’d be hailed a hero.

He is fucking lucky to be alive

It’s the kind of Sunken Place that I fall into whenever I ride the subway.

You make it through the first two thirds of the clip, but then he starts laughing into the void and you, yourself, are now falling, tumbling down into the emptiness beyond sense.

Gah! Avert yer eyes!

This x100000000

I always thought of IPA’s as an easy way for people who cant taste much to enjoy beer. Basically, If I am just getting into beer tasting, and want to sound like I know what I’m talking about, I can easily discern a difference in hoppiness, as opposed to more subtle flavors like coriander or nuttiness. Similar to the

The good sense of smell is annoying. I didn’t know until I was about 25 that most people don’t smell nearly every human they come into contact with.

I have a hypothesis that the marketing glut of boutique I.P.A.s and sour beers owes a lot to their strong tastes covering up the sins of mediocre brewing.

I feel like the issue might be more craft brewer’s increasing zeal for making ever-hoppier beers. I feel like a Sierra Nevada is the platonic ideal of a hoppy beer. Anything hoppier than that I feel like I’m drinking a smoothie made from pine cones.