
I ended up getting my BRZ for three or four grand under their internet price.

Probably that Affluenza douche

Who the fuck flies to prom in a helicopter?

Slightly improved. Still weird. Maybe with a short cab?

Looking through the holes however and that wheel cover might be writing checks that those front drum brakes can't cash.

I honestly see FAR more Camry drivers who can't park/drive erratically than BMW drivers ... and I live in SoCal where the streets are lousy with them.

Lesson learned: Torque isn't a bike's best friend. At least one that weighs as much as an FZ1.

is there anything that has been carried over from the original Niva

A survey from Auto Trader shows that a paltry one percent of car buyers used social sites to shop for cars in June. That's overall. The numbers are a bit higher for millennials, but not staggeringly so. Just five percent of young hip folks that were car shopping in June used social media to make that decision. It also

...and blacking out everything and adding Monster energy drink stickers :X

This incident was 100% avoidable if Ward hadn't walked into the track. I get that it's really irritating and potentially quite dangerous to get taken out of a motor race, but you don't walk into the track to vent your frustration. If Stewart hadn't hit him then we'd mostly be calling Ward a dick. If Ward had acted

The only conclusion I can draw from this incident is that the days of drivers walking on track to confront other drivers after an incident are over. I think just about everything else being said about what happened last night is a shitty version of what everyone here does over every dashcam road rage incident.

Ah, that would explain that. It's both good and bad, good because I have crazy visibility out the left passenger window, bad because I can't hang my arm out the window.

meh, I don't buy cars to sell them later, I drive them until all 4 wheels falls off

You still need to clean them, wax them, etc. That's something a father and son can easily do in the driveway on a Saturday.

"modding" is the new wrenching, when it used to be "shit, the fucking valve cover gaskets are leaking again! And I just did that goddamn rear main seal like a couple of months ago!"

I'm an NPR fan AND I donate to WNYC here in NY. I love NPR for most anything BUT cars. I heard this too and thought I was in some weird, daddy-issue vortex. Also - Car Talk. I love that show (I think it's just reruns now) and it's a personal pleasure for me to try and diagnose the problem before Click and Clack

Depends on the car. Pedestrian models? I'll agree.

Large seat bolstering, preferably the Recaro variant. If it's not an option, it's probably not a car worth buying.

As co-founder of Classic Car Club Manhattan, I think I have a touch of expertise on this topic. Here it goes: