Meanwhile Tiffany Trump is still out in the cold.
Meanwhile Tiffany Trump is still out in the cold.
Octavia Spencer: “What? Octavia Spencer was in Love Actually??”
Grave: “Um, sure...?”
Michelle Obama: “I think I need to go back to the beginning of this article”.
There’s no chance that wasn’t on purpose. Pro-level shade.
...short-rib burger blend molded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the center of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese...
Too many young liberals, mostly male in my experience, do not think abortion access is a big deal. They don’t care. They don’t think it’s a serious issue. I mean Bernie Sanders himself claimed it was a distraction. I’ve got a big hearty fuck you to all those people.
So if you’re at 22 weeks and they find that the fetus is pretty much a brainless blob that will probably die during a long and painful birth, you just have to suck that shit up? Fuck these people.
Does Trump think leaning forward is slimming or something? Because he’s always doing that and it looks super awkward. Like he shit his pants.
Let’s do it like this - let’s appoint whoever we have to appoint, even if it means putting an arsonist in charge of the fire department, to completely dismantle, deplete and destroy whatever infrastructure this country has over the next four years, so that in the fifth year, trump-owned companies can reap the benefits…
“One China two China three China four”
Hey, I’m an old, menopausal woman. Let’s not stereotype based on age and reproductive status. I’m pro-choice, all the way.
Based on previous experience, mine would slap a “sorry we missed you” tag on the door without ringing the bell, anyway.
My step-sister asked me what my religious views are this week. Guess I just figured them out!
I have a new OB and she told me on our first meeting that their practice does 18 week anatomy scans instead of 20 week scans because of the law in South Carolina that limits abortions past 20 weeks. She said it’s not medically the most ideal thing to do the scan two weeks early, but they hope that any major anomalies…
At least now we don’t have to choose between the 1984 or TV version of Big Brother, because we’re getting both!
I think it means if your under the age of 17 you need a prescription to use plan B
At this point, I honestly don’t even know what to say- there’s just no words to express the absolute insanity of what we are witnessing. There isn’t a single touchpoint I can reference to provide parallel or precedence. Can’t yell “1984" or “It Can’t Happen Here”, because even those seem to be set in some sort of…
I also got this one. He has his own bird friend!
I vote high tie. The high tie just looks a little more polished. The low tie is when he gets off of work and is headed to happy hour.
I’m actually convinced that Tiffy Trump and Cat Marnell are the same person.