
Finally someone has done the right thing.

It WAS kinda like watching Arya Stark endorse Daenerys Targaryen on Yara Greyjoy’s show.

I kind of feel this is appropriate

I love every woman this article is written about. GET READY TO GET REKT TRUMP.

I’d pay good money to watch a film of this cast reading the script and rolling their eyes.

Don’t get mad at me but....I wouldn’t mind if there was way less Rayna next season hell let her take it off I want Juliette Barnes and Avery 24/7 with a sprinkling of my baes Will Lexington, Luke Wheeler, and Gunnar with just a touch of Scarlett and maybe some new blood a Mickey Guyton type perhaps.

I’ve ordered about 1/2 dozen pairs over the last 4 or 5 years and have been pretty happy with them (all 6" platform or wedge, open and closed toe).

I was thinking Stephen Avery and Grumpy Cat plus a lot of pregnant drinking.

After an initial moment of being nonplussed, I am thoroughly charmed by this.

I send them to my wife as a joke when I’m lying in bed next to her and she’s reading on her phone.

He is not a mathlete, he is just an athlete. Not all athletes.

You know what isn’t awful? THEM SHOULDERS. Goddamn swimmers.

I don't know why but I really love seeing Coco with her baby.

It’s okay Jia, on the internet nobody knows you’re a dog...’s child.

Oh I just want to hug you and tell you that there is so much worse than being single ... and have you really believe me when I say that. Please trust me on this, it’s far better to be alone than to be committed in the wrong relationship.

I hope it’s not cold comfort, but my husband and I have gotten into some huge fights at other people’s weddings. We have 2 this summer and I wouldn’t mind going alone TBH.

I adopted kitties this week! Pet thread?


Unless the woman you don’t like is Angelina Jolie in which case you’re Chelsea Handler.

Wait a sec. If states are not able to get the seven drugs typically sourced for execution through traditional means, and are willing to get hem from non-traditional sources.......