
Recognitions, is that you?

I always thought Tig Notaro publicly shitting on Louis CK was sort of a dick move. It seemed opportunistic, in a way-why stick up for your friend when it will only get you bad publicity? But whatever. Her show’s canceled and she’s still not funny.

I get where you’re coming from, but please recognize that the ones you see in your social media feeds are not the only people doing the march. There are plenty out there doing the grunt work for this march—you just don’t see them because they aren’t posting about it all the time!

I’m just glad to hear I’m not the only person who sees this nonsense.

Since she couldn’t make money off skating, Harding was forced to resort to all kinds of humiliating stunts, including a celebrity boxing match against Paula Jones, in order to earn a paycheck.

When this all went down, I don’t recall people (outside of diehard skating fans, maybe?) having any awareness of Harding’s socioeconomic background.

I love when people just lazily drop a bunch of -isms to sound smarter than they are or “woke”

since she wasn’t involved in the attack

Kerrigan emerged from the attack comparatively unscathed.

You get sympathy right up until you have some meathead kneecap someone.


None. Next question.

Who is Ashley Banfield. Hopefully that was a Daily Double.

I think he, on some level, actually raises a valid point. Honestly, I don’t care that actors are renouncing Woody Allen, because who gives a shit. And while I think that Woody Allen is likely guilty, I think he is right in that we should consider that he might be innocent.

So now one of the other Farrow siblings, Moses Farrow, is taking Woody’s side; and providing first hand accounts of how Mia Farrow beat him; and he states that Dylan Farrow confided in him that Mia was coaching/instructing her to lie about Woody’s alleged abuse as part of the child custody proceedings back in 1993.

So that’s where the yogurt I was saving for an afternoon snack went.

Probably that you’re complicit. You, specifically. In everything.

Just a mouthful of Vicodin.

The story reads to me like a groupie dissatisfied she was treated like a groupie.