
-There’s nothing to suggest that Holdo’s plan would not have worked if Poe hadn’t blabbed about it in front of Del Toro’s character.

Note that Rogue One had NONE of these issues. It had a diverse cast of memorable characters in non stereotypical roles (except donnie yen, but at least he does the stereotype well), told a tight, well plotted story that was so good it actually made the surrounding movies better.

The problem is that if Ackbar had been the one to clash with Poe we would have sided with him from the get-go because he’s, well, Admiral Ackbar. The point of the Holdo subplot is to make the audience support Poe initially and then realize he’s actually wrong.

I agree with you on so many points. I absolutely hated TLJ and my opinion has not changed for the positive at all in the three or so weeks since I’ve seen the movie. I hate that I have been getting lumped in with these anti-social “red pills” or whatever, because I don’t share their politics one iota. But I still

Or just give her a better plan! Her plan was bad and hinged on the First Order’s spaceships not having space windows (which they do! all spaceships in Star Wars have space windows! and we see that cloaking doesn’t make them invisible!)

But then I couldn’t make this snarky comment. I made the right choice. 

Well at least they got one thing right. Poe is a garbage person. He is the Star wars holiday special of star wars characters. more specifically the section where all the wookies speak to each other for 15 minutes with no subtitles.

If they could edit out Purple Hair, that would be great. Replace her with Admiral Akbar.

Thank you for keeping tabs on what “some creep” is doing. I know we were all wondering but not all of us have the time to follow “some creep” and report on all of his important work. 

I thought the reason we may not have liked the movie was because of subpar dialogue, weird scenes (Luke’s beard with milk was something I did not need to see in what I hoped would be a mature and subversive addition to the canon) and non-essential plotlines. I certainly don’t mind a bad-ass Rey.

That’s a damn good joke, and the Tonight Show was famous for that sort of humor back in the day.

I’ll bet he was worried about getting there early and picking up a PI call. So he kind pulled his punch there and whiffed. Felt awful for him once I read about his being so upset afterwards.

After a paternity test, he can no longer deny that he’s a father now and he’s forced to accept his new duties. He’s literally forced–his baby momma drops the kid off and disappears. His mother refuses to raise his child and expects him to take care of his child and pay rent. Lena Waithe’s script doesn’t ask us to

But you could be anybody, like its possible your IQ is 80 and you buy into everything a disney marketing manager wishes you to do. like nice argument for liking it, “my emotions” is a valid concept against claims of poor plot decisions and wierd forced stories to make people buy porgs, what if you were more

The Poe-Holdo arc was literally like a bad sitcom plot. What was worse was that there had to be a lot of people following her orders and somehow Poe didn’t talk to any of them.

Yes, it always sucks when a storyline relies on characters not communicating with one another for no real reason.

They’re lame AF.

That’s a good call. That entire storyline was terrible. The gambling resort was the worst Star Wars moment since the prequels. The love triangle is unnecessary as well. It was all filler.

My review: remove every single scene with Finn and you’ve got an absolutely great 2h Star Wars movie.

This is NOT a spoilers post but I’ll just say  I’ve been reading a lot of posts from people that have seen the movie and they are confirming a lot of the more “controversial” spoilers that have leaked out over the past year. So my prediction is initially people will love this movie but quickly the tide will turn as it