
Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?

My only take away from Kate Winslet’s filmography: Never take a trip with Kate Winslet.

Does the dog make it?

Mathers said she meant to send the photo to a friend and had no intentions of “breaking the law” by posting it publicly.”

radiolabs episode on her called patient zero is one of my favorite podcast episodes. as an African queer woman, learning how AIDS really started, and not the misinformed antigay propaganda i accepted, felt like a minibomb exploded in my head.

She wasn’t a great canidate. But Joe, the former Senator from Bank of America who drafted and still defends the 1994 Crime Bill, thinks he would have been a better one. Which is absurd.

Color me shocked. With everything coming out now do we really need to keep debating why Clinton lost? This bullshit about her not being good enough is... just bullshit.

It makes me want to cry that our female candidate knew she had to practice not being physically intimidated by her opposition.

This is so funny it almost makes me like James Comey. It’s a confusing feeling.

OMG guys, look how these big bad feminazis forced this guy out of his career JUST for being a sexist asshole! When will we have real equality?

If you were a woman on a date with a clearly unstable man, you would honestly concern yourself with how that man makes his way home? Moreso than your own personal safety?

But the Supreme court will be conservative for a generation now.

the key words here are ‘functioning democracy’
we do not have one of those in the US right now

In short, because the Republicans control Congress, and Trump’s insanity is helping them do what they exist to do: line rich people’s pockets by hurting the poorest and most vulnerable. 

Because the impeachment process is a political process, not a legal one. It’s conducted by Congress, and both houses of Congress are currently majority-Republican.

It’s OK, you guys. The WaPo comment section assures me that this is FAKE NEWS.

“ seems that this act was directed towards his ex-girlfriend, towards whom he had a violent history of domestic abuse.”

Whatever it takes for him to stop hitting women.

I heard he was attending due to a tip off that Hillary’s emails would also be there.