
Joe Biden wrote the 1994 crime bill. Why does no one hold him responsible for any of the consequences?

That’s a clever insight! I was thinking that it might be ***TRIGGER WARNING FOR MRA SNOWFLAKES*** that women simply get bored with the traditional, male-orgasm-oriented missionary PIV sex that was all too typical in ’02 (when the data was collected), or even that as relationships become more domestic, women simply

There are so many things I’m feeling right now that it’s impossible to put them into words.


I concur. The beverage makes Toxic Masculinity seem palatable. I’d have named it Energized Feminist Base or Sweet Misandry (bonus points because either name would rattle dipshit MRAs).

Here’s hoping this soiree wasn’t organised by email HAHAHAHAHAHA oh dear god why *drinks*

That’s a false narrative.

Or how about this Quinnipiac Poll from 2013 that polled all the biggest name politicians at the moment (Obama, Biden, Ryan, Rubio, etc) and found Clinton to have a far higher approval rating than ANY of them. She beats Sanders current poll numbers in every category except with men and younger voters, where she runs

Yes, I’m sure that back in 2013 no one knew anything about Hillary Clinton and her popularity was only due to lack of knowledge about her.

I’m so sick of this graphic. So what, you want the DNC to totally fall in line behind the person with the best poll numbers right now? Weird, because last time there was even the appearance that they did that, when Hillary Clinton had historically high approval numbers before the primaries began, everyone cried foul...

I started out as a Sanders supporter and switched to Hillary based on how Bernie ran his campaign. Partly because I am fucking INCENSED at the fact that people can both say that Hillary was not trustworthy and that there is no sexism involved in her loss.

I dunno, maybe because even the New York Times ran it above the fucking fold as if it were actual news instead of a complete non-story? Evidence comes to light that Trump violated the Cuba embargo, the press all shrugs in unison. But OMG EMAILS BACK IN THE NEWS STOP THE PRESSES!!

A lot of this kind of “Clinton lost because she sucks” analysis seems to be missing that candidates exactly like Trump are popping up in a lot of Western countries (Philippines, France, England) and *winning.* Yes, Clinton may be uniquely awful and somehow The Worst Campaign Runner Ever, and yet many candidates that

Without the Comey letter this book would be all about how brilliant her campaign was, guaranteed. It would even have the same title. 

I don’t think Sanders helped. 2016 came down to populism vs policy wonk. Clinton was in a damned if you do, damned if you don’t position- she could push back on Sanders, but not attack him, for several reasons. You don’t kick down, and Sanders was losing, so it was kicking down. If she pulled Sanders apart, point by

She lost because the media (cough, cough) decided Trump was more newsworthy and so saturated the nation with free publicity for him. It’s really that simple, and it’s why he will win in 2020. Literally no one could have beaten him in the face of that.

before the primaries were over. they’ve been trashing her for decades.

Something something...

Never fear, Republicans have your best interests at heart.