I was in a meeting for a new ad campaign for tampons a couple weeks ago. The more senior members were men and they got on this roll and no one wanted to talk out of turn to their bosses boss and tell them that it was the stupidest idea ever. After the meeting I told my (male) boss that the idea was stupid and Aaron…
Hahahaha she'll NEVER be unfollowed. She's practically a Gawker network celebrity. If she is ever unfollowed, it'll be a definite sign of the end of times.
Ah, I remember reading that. Maybe that is what's going on here too. If that's the case, that's extremely frustrating, and doesn't make a lot of sense quite frankly. I left a comment on Tracy's piece about "Cool Girls" yesterday that has around 60 stars I think, and genuinely seemed to strike a chord with a lot of…
I hope Joe Biden broke out some dance moves when he cameo'ed on P&R.
Some women in my office thought Raven Simone's comments showed that she was out of touch and living in a bubble. They are both WoC. I didn't get to hear the rest of their conversation, but I am very curious to know why they felt that way.
Dude I thought I saw you in the greys too and I was like "....uh wasn't amazonman followed before also?" Is this some sort of mass unfollowing? If so, why? I was really under the impression that the editorial staff was trying to bring more commenting diversity into the fold. I really, really hope this is just some…
I posted this when the story hit a few days ago, but I'll say it again . . . did you HEAR this guy's head hit the floor? Did you freaking HEAR it? The sound is between :09 and :10, and it is horrifying. If you have speakers or headphones, you will be sickened.
Hahaha the GOP is such a collection of fools. This shit is so pandering and sexist, but even the way they're framing these issues is ludicrous! How stupid do they think we are?
"Both of the attackers, who are brothers".
The car has a MUCH better antenna than your phone does. Though that begs the question of why not do what BMW does and let your phone use the car's antenna and skip the additional data plan? Admittedly with a slightly pricy adapter. The difference between using my phone alone in marginal areas and having it use my…
I think maybe it's that it's a freestanding hammock? BUT STILL, goddamn.
Eh, I'm okay with unibody trucks.