
The Africans always rebelled, even mentally.

Which one of you white no color racist will never tell us we don’t love our black skin color.

Because of integration black folks have digress. I see so many blacks on national TV acting and saying stupid stuff. The only ones you see on TV are the ones saying stupid stuff. How can we get Steve Harvey off the TV? Even the reruns.

That is not the least of it, they all will pay for what they did to us, they are happy they held us as slaves.

Frst of all why would the food offend the black students, what about the food they like? I would just laugh at the racist, these racist has a serious problem with themselves. Their group control everything, yet that is not enough. There racist group captured our ancestors from our continent and held our ancestors to

Hey you racist, the reason you don’t have color in your skin is because your dna is recessive, as well as the rest of the group without color skin, Africans are the only group with perfect dna, which includes our hair. And to the Africans who do not like their skin and hair, you are the perfect people what more do you

If the racist has been allowed to go around using racism, the victims should be allowed to kick his a..

If there is any recognition for blacks who fought on the racist south side should be them hung by other blacks, as well as the white group. The racist who still go around bragging that the dirty racist violent killer group like them should try it again, history will have a total different story to tell.

The whole problem with Kaepernick is the racist fans because he did nor respect the racist flag, a racist flag supported by racist fans. Oh please.

Unfair statement about Smiley. He was hoping Obama would do something for blacks. Blacks needed health care and more, Obama didn’t run nothing.

If the power that be who put Obama in office couldn’t use him for white people he never would have ever been the first black president, and no black ever as long as whites are the majority. This country never intend to see blacks move up, Obama did not have the power to help blacks move up.

Besides loving Trump, she is ugly too.

I bet your dad is black.

I am happy racist Trump gave her a good lesson on racism but she cannot see racism, she said Trump is about racism but he is not racist. Oh please. I bet all the whites around Trump call Trump, Donald and she has to cal him Mr. Trump, and has no problem with it. Your typical modern day slave. Racist like Trump, the

I agree wih Dr. West, as I agree the same thing about you too Dr. West. Matter of fact all of the black men we need, have all gone, Dr. Imari Obedele, Kweme Toure, and Chokwe Lumuba. May my brothers rest in peace.


Yea right hate President Mugabe. The reason why the west European hates President Mugabe is because he took African people land from the whites who stole it, and gave it back to the rightful owners. Compare President Mugabe to Europeans who went around the world and stolved all people of the planet countries and held

I love President Mugabe. Enough said.

She better be glad his wife is not the president, First Lady Mugabe. Don’t like her European name.

Yep let her stay in jail about 5 years before her trial, find her guilty for disrespect of President Mugabe. Sentence her 10 years in prison.