The guy in the video lives there. He should know better.
The guy in the video lives there. He should know better.
Nobody was trying to make it about white people. You posted an image that literally says “WHITE OPINIONS. NO”. How are people supposed to interpret that any other way than saying white opinions don’t matter? That’s regressive, no matter what dressing you try to put on it. Stop trying to stir up controversy and…
Better gun control, better mental health programs, better action taken who are on “watch lists” but nothing ever happens with that.
When you say “overrun by the other faction”, I assume you are meaning world PVP. As in, high level players from the other faction ganking low level players for fun.
He can pay a few dollars to change servers, or faction, or character race, or his character name, or all of the above. He can get his BattleNet tag changed. I would expect him to disappear very soon, and reappear somewhere else.
It’s gambling, and minors shouldn’t have access to gambling.
“I’m curious as to how they think performance reviews are going to work. It would be ridiculous to expect a member of the HR team to be present for every review between members of different genders.”
So you’re saying I’m either stupid or a closet creep for choosing to not be alone with a woman in a closed room at work? No, I do that because that’s how office rumors start, or how false accusations are thrown. But you make me feel so welcome here to share my opinions.
Man here. I’ve already decided to do this. I’ve never worried in the past about accusations. My behavior at work and outside work is respectful. But I’m not taking any chances with my career, be it by a misunderstanding or a rumor developing. I will not be alone in a closed windowless room with a woman at work. I’ve…
I worked in an office with a guy that walked around in his bare feet or socks. I would rather the carpet not start smelling like a gym. So that’s why.
Don’t lump everyone together just because of what one guy said. Both political sides do that too much already.
Career suicide, in a town where actors are just lucky to get work.
He probably just quit Hollywood in general. It’s a connected town. You can’t just lash out all crazy like, and get jobs later. Actors are lucky to get jobs, it’s a tough and competitive business. The diplomacy and smiley face has to be on at all times publicly.
They’re in a secure corporate campus, Apple doesn’t need to put up signs saying “don’t film”. Every employee is supposed to understand this, and has been told this.
He blames himself for it happening, and she blames Apple. She gets her dad fired and didn’t learn a thing.
It’s not that people are worried there won’t be single player games. Its that people won’t see their favorite franchises be done with a decent single player aspect to it. If Rockstar is thirsty about their online, then maybe their single player aspect of their games will suffer. Maybe it won’t. I guess we will see…
Nearly all of the IRL streamers I watched just treated the convention as a meet and greet. They weren’t really there for the convention itself. I didn’t notice any of them attending any panels. They were walking around seeing fans and being seen, like rock stars or something.
Does the same thing as a weekly buy. If you just pay attention to the market, you don’t need this. But the buzz word these days is passive.
I feel the same way. I’m fairly casual when it comes to games these days. I don’t have time nor the desire to be frustrated. However I did beat Dark Souls. It’s not even my type of game, but everyone was talking about it, and I wanted to see if I could do it. I felt sort of honored to be in that category of people…
I’ve been watching some streams of it and decided it’s on my watchable list and not my buyable list. It’s insanely hard, and honestly ain’t nobody got time for that (at least not me). Twitch has actually saved me a bit of money these days.