“But but but she’s hot! And I really liked her in that one thing! That means there’s no way she’s a horrible shallow monster just like 85% of the people in Hollywood, because I like her stuff!”
“But but but she’s hot! And I really liked her in that one thing! That means there’s no way she’s a horrible shallow monster just like 85% of the people in Hollywood, because I like her stuff!”
Did you really think they were serious? They knew that.
Well of course people are going to stare and point — you’re driving around in a refrigerator.
2.5 years. If you can’t talk about something for 2.5 years after its release, then what’s the point?
You’re seriously getting spoiler-annoyed for a game that’s been out 2.5 years? Naw, man. That’s on you.
Ugh this is getting so old. Not the movie, mind you — the movie looks fantastic. But how many movies about clinically sociopathic and psychopathic personalities in positions of power do we have to endure before something actually gets done about it? Our businesses and governments are OVERRUN with them, and we do…
There are 2 Oculus platforms, Rift and Quest. Google Earth is only available on Rift. The writer did a terrible job on this.
Baaaad article — there are TWO separate Oculus platforms, and Google Earth is only available on ONE of them. Oculus Rift has Google Earth, Oculus Quest does not. Get your s#@t together.
Quest. It’s amazing. It’s an entire new world.
“jackass”, huh? Yeah, never mind. Trolls aren’t worth my time.
When you use phraseology like “you liberals” you might as well be saying “you minorities” or “you people” and all of your credibility (as little as it is) goes right out the window.
This is great and everything, but another artist already did this exact thing 3 years ago ...
Wow ... I’ve never had someone wait 3 damn years before replying to a comment. That’s some high-level passive aggressiveness right there. Don’t worry about replying to this one, I’ll check back in 2020 to see what you have to say.
They didn’t beam ... they flew in spacecraft that were not overly dissimilar to modern DC-10s without the wings. So yeah, scientology.
“I had no choice. It was a Force dodge.”
I started reading this article but could not make it past the first 2 paragraphs due to the utter dickish attitude of the writer. You wanna be a journalist? Learn how to write without bias.
Everything you just listed is either A. Your opinion or B. A snap judgement based on assumptions. I really hope this movie is awesome, that way all you righteous FF fans will have to swallow the the full serving of foot that you are currently cramming into your collective pieholes.
So if a character is popular enough that internet nerd rage becomes loud enough, then at that point it is perfectly acceptable to raise a holy racist rage? Is that your point? Cause that’s the point I’m getting from you.
Nothing in comics is ever set in stone, characters change all the time, and updating them to fit modern society is not an affront to the “authenticity” of the backstory, it’s what has been going on since comics existed. If we remember correctly, the Human Torch was originally not even a human. Where were you in the…