
Apron = Authority

I disagree sharply. I think this culture that fosters and even encourages sloth and fatness is toxic, literally, and is killing our people, again literally. If more people pursued the “vain” pursuits of fitness and a normal body fat then we as a society would be far healthier, not to mention much more pleasant to look

I’m on a similar routine as hankthecogg. I went from being a slim guy to bulking up to the point where all my friends and family have steroid jokes for days. The only supplement I take is whey-isolate protein. I also eat every 3 hours or so. I strongly recommend 3 full body workouts a week. In my opinion, iso-training

Oh good for you!

“FYI do not read comments on youtube”

Well that's just good advice for life in general, yeah?

Donald Trump is still opening his mouth, breathing in air, and exhaling sounds that seem to motivate some of the most hateful people currently living in North America on a regular basis?

It’s this kind of Minnesota Math that got the Vikings public money for their new stadium.

I get tired of being around people and I need time to myself. It gets draining to have to be a person with other people.

Hint: The answer resides in your user name.

Shit, exericising without moving? I must be in tremendous shape by now!

I am absolutely convinced at this point that Trump is literally sitting up at night thinking up the most insane, ridiculous, offensive, bat-shit nuts things to say in the desperate hope that the GOP removes his nomination so he doesn’t have to actually go through with being the President of the United States.

Between destroying America, taking away people's guns and being a kenyan citizen, when did Obama find the time to be the founder of ISIS? Does he have a time turner like Hermione?

Translation: “I’m being paid a lot of money and may get to star in my own superhero movie for even more money, so if you think I’m going to fuck that up you’re crazy.”

Yeah, it’s like the first Mission Impossible movie vs all the sequels. So very different from the first movie...

I’d like to think that Kurt Russell is just a front. The ‘real’ Kurt is actually Jack Burton from ‘Big Trouble in Little China’, and Kurt is just a character.

welp, i can log off the internet as you just won it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...

I liked the first one. It was loosely Resident Evil but still a claustrophobic zombie action/thriller like the game... And then they gave her powers...