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I'm pretty sure they meant to make it red. Just do not taunt it.

Dear ██████

Dance party?

While I've had my share of face reddening experiences driving a stick, I'm a 27 year old guy living in the states and I have literally never owned a vehicle with an automatic. One example being: stalling my car trying to pull into a driveway on a first date (literally 10+ years of driving a stick every day.)

Stalling at the lights. It can happen to anyone. Even if the recovery is quick, it's still pretty embarrassing.


Have you seen The Mist?

I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure of just widely disliked, but I enjoyed MoS

That's a missed opportunity

"The Sex Hut"

THIS JUST IN: nobody cares.

Soon its going to be a giant chain of Kyle Reeses hiding behind the scenes trying to stop the Kyle Reese before him to not.mess up until a closet of Kyles will burst out of a closet and the T1000 will look confused then go about stabbing everyone.

T-100 comes back but is now running Windows...opens the market for even further reboots and endless updates!

Really nice interior - except this is a face and cannot be unseen.

What are those white stuffs on your bedsheet?