
The engine cover can be had with an optional glass window.

Back safe in the garage.

Beards are cool. That is all.

Bloody remakes.

Thanks to JJ Abrams and Alias, movies and episodes of shows love to start with a shock and then jump back in time. Stop playing with time.

I imagine at Marvel Studios, every time news comes out about the DC "cinematic universe" plans or annual Spiderman movies, this happens:

Does that mean you changing back to the old Jalopnik??!!

Kind of old news... Don't worry though, it's really easy to avoid: just click on the wifi network that is actually for your house/place of business/whereever you are, do not click on the wifi network that is made up of weird, alien-looking symbols that are almost certainly not standard characters on your computer so

More power to you if you can commit to living off the grid, but what is she doing about waste/sewage? If the city can cap her sewer, then surely she's using it, she's just off the grid (in that respect) by not paying for it...?

Flirting/Asking someone out

So when is "Superman vs Batman" going to be officially renamed to "The Justice League"? With all these other heroes in it, it may as well be.

One more hero is just one more hero to kill...