this clever username

You guys can joke all you want, but this is the clearest explanation for getting offended at the NFL Black Lives Matter protests I’ve come across.


Ah damn, I got nailed, too. I clicked in from the three top kinja stories i might be interested in. Stupid Kinja! At least the concern troll I replied to posted today, also.

I’m convinced! At the very least, she makes that pretty believable with this round of tweets. I do think that’s more than enough to get published here, a blog on the internet run by folks who take pleasure in disturbing sensitive white people.

Soundcloud Yapper Milo Yiannopoulis

I would assume that he assumes that because he’s seen us fail to do it over and over again his whole life. Don’t be a shit.

Hey, maybe you should apply to be one of the editors! Then maybe someone will pay attention to your opinion about that.

I strongly disagree. The first amendment prevents the government from passing laws limiting the freedoms of speech and assembly. This specifically protects the rights of my antifacist friends when we go and tell nazis to shut the fuck up and go away. I love the first amendment! The recent supreme court interpretation

I’d guess that the bad frame of mind led to the wife-initiated divorce, that way it doesn’t sound like I’m blaming his wife for what dude did on his own.

Maybe you should read the post again and see if this time you can catch the point being made there, bud.

Brother Bear is upset!

I gotta imagine you’re guessing completely wrong about the ideal living situation for all the jalopnik writers and most of the readers.

It takes way less time to scroll past something than it does to post a comment wondering whether the longstanding news editor is, like, editing news articles to the standards of his publication.

You’re an asshole for posting this like this.

The problem is that unpaid internships as a gateway to good jobs ensures that kids with rich parents have an even easier time keeping the good jobs for themselves. This isn’t obvious?!

Everyone uses eggs to get the breading to stick when they make fried chicken, though. We all eat this all the time.