
I don’t know if I believe this - TyTy is often horrible but I don’t get her being physically abusive to a child.

Okay, but would you buy that argument if somebody were talking about say, Ivanka Trump? She was raised to be selfish asshole, does she get a pass?

Hot take coming, but I didn’t like her in West Wing nor Mad Men. She comes off as smarmy or something, maybe it’s her excellent acting and I am too unsophisticated to understand. So whatever.

So every week there are public readings of Hubbard writings, like a “coffeehouse” setting at the Scientology Center. Elizabeth Moss was appearing regularly at them up through Mad Men as a special guest and performing with other notable members. So, sure, she was born into it, and we don’t have to “punish” her

Yeah I am not really buying the whole “but she was born into it!” excuse I keep seeing. It’s a cult that brainwashes people, ruins lives and tears apart families? How about we just not employ members of Scientology at all since it continues to normalize it as a religion. Like did we all freak out after the HBO

She’s a scientologist! I still can’t get over that lol

every time I get ready to like Elizabeth Moss I remember she’s a Scientologist.

I’m blown away that people believed he was a doctor. He looks like he’s 14 years old. Doogie Howser is a tv show.

I just want to know who the fuck thought “Dr Love” even sounded like a real name.

I genuinely don’t get why people were so obsessed with this girl in the first place.

Now playing

Celine Dion is an international treasure. If you haven’t seen this video, then do yourself a favor and watch it.

Did anyone else picture, when they heard this song, Muppet versions of Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio running up to each other and shouting, “NEAR!” then running away and shouting, “FAR!”?

I’ve told this story a lot but never in Kinja so I’ll share it here: I had to play “My Heart Will Go On” on the trumpet in 5th grade and it was real torture.

I teehee-d at her use of “girly days.”

From the big four Seattle “grunge” bands, Eddie Vedder is the only frontman left.

[Cornell and Roger Ailes sit in Charon’s barge, and open their complimentary meals.]

You know he was mid yank when another station employee burst through the door screaming, “shut it down!”


Sorry guys, I accidentally cast my screen to “DC Train Station ALL” instead of “DC Train Station Basement office”

This was still on? I thought it had been cancelled years ago.