
I am actually trying to learn how to code now, and yeah, it’s very much a field that requires connections to break in to, which blows and is a disincentive to really applying myself to the task. Oh well!

This still amounts to “shifting the deck chairs on the Titanic.” Money is just being moved from one place to another.

You’re talking about correlations of inflation as if inflation isn’t always happening no matter what. In that sense I could argue anything in the world that has ever occured causes inflation because inflation is fairly constant. highly-respected economists argue the inflation impact of decisions and events all the

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, YOU are missing the point. Racism is a spectrum. Your implicit biases are on one end because they exist with or without you consciously putting them there. The guy shouting the n-word is on the other end of the spectrum.

“However, most white Americans are raised to accept authoritarianism. So besides the implicit racial bias, there is a deeply ingrained belief that if ‘the law’ does it, it cannot be wrong.”

I noted this above, but I think it’s important to remember that Comey is not the one who leaked his letter to the press. Chaffetz did. Comey’s mistake was thinking he could write a letter to the ingelligence committee and expect the republicans to keep it confidential. Chaffetz was also the one who completely

Same - I had a stay at home mom and I can see what a great foundation it was for me. I always say now that I had the luxury of taking my parents for granted (not that I did so exactly, I just mean that I was so secure in that regard that I didn’t spend a lot of time worrying about them or my safety. Other than typical

Don’t worry—lots of kids turn out great with full-time working moms, but I get it: when you have a happy childhood/adolescence, you want to replicate that for your own kids. <3

As someone with five (FIVE) distinct mental disorders, in various states of being managed, the loose talk which both infantilizes and demonizes people with mental illness really pisses me off. As it stands, if you gave me a gun, I would be entirely disinclined to shoot other people in both the now and the hereafter,

I agree with this. I just caution to be careful when speaking about mental illness and messing with a marginalized people’s constitutional rights. People with mental disorders are people, most are competent to speak on this matter... and they don’t deserve to be used as pawns and talked about like they’re not here,

Whoa, hold up... that’s a pretty broad ban. There are a variety of mental disorders, and not all are of the type and severity which would elevate the risk of violence towards self or others. It really should be up to psychiatrists and related experts to determine, on a case by case basis, if someone’s mental disorder

Sums up my feelings perfectly.

I wouldn’t want to walk barefoot in the snow or massage someone’s feet, but I would gladly subject my kids to both. Builds character.

After more than a year on the job, I would have hoped Secretary DeVos would have learned by now that her extreme ideas to privatize our nation’s public schools and dismantle the Department of Education do not have support among parents or in Congress, but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case

“ how can we ever expect men to stop treating women like objects if they won’t treat objects like women”

I feel bad for the Dad but... my need to leave at 5pm to get home and feed my under 1 child is questioned, and counts against me at my job.

Jezebel thinks you should be grateful for the month you’re given, and expect that it makes up for being a white women gossip tabloid the other 11.

If a non-single man has entered into a social contract with his partner that he will not visit strippers, and then he DOES visit strippers and make use of their services, that’s all on that dude and literally no one else. Feel about sex workers (and people who pay them for their time) however you want I guess