
So Jews are the reason we don’t have universal healthcare? WHAT THE FUCK!?

He made that blaccent disappear right after the infamous superbowl appearance. After that it was all, aw shucks I’m just a white boy from Tennessee. I’m still amazed people never connected that.

Because someone should point out the flagrant unsubstantiated rumors creeps like you are perpetuating across the internet. You’re claiming Cher used her wealth to kidnap someone. That’s pretty fucked up. Since when has Cher ever been a problematic celebrity?

Thanks for your dumb response. I repeat….

These people should all be in prison. 

I’ve asked myself this question a bunch of times. She seems boring AF. 

Her fame is totally confusing. Why do New York media people insist she’s interesting? She’s not really. Just thirsty AF, which is an incredibly low bar. 

We have no idea if he was a harm to others. This is none of our business. Stop acting like you’re an expert on their family situation. Not sure why this has anything to do with you involving yourself with a homeless woman you didn’t even know. Family members have a different legal recourse than a complete stranger,

It sounds like he’s a junkie and she was trying to get him into rehab. It’s none of our business so I’m not sure why the media keeps obsessing over it. 

I’m so embarrassed that he’s my mayor.😩

I wish I could feel bad about the death threats, but this is Walmart random election officials, school board members, journalists and democrats have been going through for YEARS. Guessing the attack on Paul Pelosi isn’t as funny to some of them now as it was a few weeks ago.

This woman is exhausting and boring AF. Why does the media keep trying to make her happen? I know shamelessness and a lack of conscience is “newsworthy” but isn’t that how America got into so much trouble our democracy is now in trouble? 

David Gregory had NEVER been a serious and sensible journalist. His Meet the Press tenure was a shit show. And so was the dancing with Karl Rove. He’s the definition of an empty suit.

They can dress this man up in as many sweater vests as they want he’ll never get out of Virginia with a face and personality of Tim Pawlenty. But he has done and will do a lot of damage to Virginia. 

Who told her now was a good time to announce? Did she miss the wall to wall coverage of the Israel/Hamas conflict? Or the only American politics that anyone is covering right now is the fight for the speakership?

And OJ won his case. That doesn’t mean he’s innocent. Since when does Heard hate everyone she’s ever met or worked with? Please provide examples. Thanks.

The dog is rightfully pissed that the Secret Service conveniently made their texts from January 6th disappear. A dog knows what’s up!!!  

Janice Min and a weak other editors of magazines have given interviews where they were very clear about the fact that Jolie calls the paps. That famous first photo of her with Pitt on the beach in Africa being one of many examples.

Thanks again to all the people who stayed home or voted for Jill Stein in 2016. Can’t wait to see what mess you make for everyone in 2024. 

Hopefully now people can stop whining about her age. Although judging by the comments they are STILL whining. 🙄