
Maybe it’s because we’ve spent centuries telling women over 30-35 they are no longer desirable. Nothing says this more than 90% of rich and famous men dating women half their age.

Yeah participating in a 60 page photo spread with a fake army of kids is Jolie totally not making any media comments. Or meant to convey the message of how much she loves kids and the wife he left three months ago doesn’t. 🤣🙄

What in the world are you talking about? I was very clear on my position on the Heard/Depp trial. I assume that’s what you’re talking about since you’re being vague. Ironic. I was definitely NOT team Depp. In fact, quite the opposite.

Wow. It’s almost like there was a trial and we were able to see what actually happened.

I think they’re both terrible. He’s no victim, which he’s leaned into very hard through both marriages. She’s no saint despite the fact that she’s built an entire brand around it. 

You spend far too much time getting your “news” from tabloids. 🤣

He was literally cleared by the FBI AND Child protective services. Also, people who worked at the airport said the fuel truck story was made up. That story has been debunked multiple times. 

No one would be in prison for what was described on the plane. And the fuel truck story is just a rumor that was going around on some blog. 

I wish I could give this comment more than one star  🤣

To claim that Jolie made a rare allusion to Pitt is to ignore every single interview she has given over the last 7 years. She literally alludes to it in every interview and to not mention him by name is too cute by half. We ALL know who she’s taking about.

Cancelling people is a thing. Cancel culture is a fake. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cancel culture is an actual thing. Just look at all the people demanding Shepard’s cancellation. Ironically, I’m betting 95% of those people don’t even listen to his podcast. They just see this as an opportunity to be offended and outraged. All this does is make this incredibly C list dude more famous.

My point is that many liberals claim that cancel culture is not a real thing, that it’s nothing more than a right wing trope. This is obviously NOT the case.

It’s amazing that anyone thinks this was an accident. I’m sure it was chosen specifically because of it’s history.

That’s not at all what I said. What I said is that men also turn their relationships into art. Swift is one of the few people who gets a hard time for it as if she’s the only one who does this. 

Everyone needs to be a total expert on issues before ever discussing issues in any kind of public forum. There is no room to learn or grow after the fact. That’s what I’ve learned from these controversies. 

I’m confused. According to liberals cancel culture doesn’t exist. It’s just a right wing trope in order to defend awful people. Are you trying to tell me cancel culture DOES exist on the left? 😏

We can trash Hutchinson all we want, but if it weren’t for her we wouldn’t have gotten all of these incredible details from inside the house. You think a life long democrat would have been close enough to have given the world this information?

Other troopers? There better be more people facing charges. And this dude better be locked up for a very long time.

I don’t think she’s as universally liked as Paul McCartney. There are tons of people who can’t stand her because she writes her own songs and those songs are about her love life. It seems irrelevant to them that many men have written songs about women for years.