
Jennifer Hudson’s show is also going back into production. I’m guessing her publicist told her to keep her head down and avoid doing what Drew is doing. This is literally the THIRD time we’ve heard from Drew and it doesn’t get any better with each attempt.

You should fly to Libya and help out. Still not sure what this has to do with a strike in California. Many of us can care about both without conflating the two. 

Ugh. So it has to be one of the other? Do you know what a lot of side hustles even pay? Not enough to cover a mortgage and put kids through school. Otherwise we’d all have a side hustle. Since when are all the people currently out of work to fancy and narcissistic for you?

Remember when Jezebel tried to make Dunham the “voice of her generation”? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

It would be great if it was not a thing in 10 years. But it’s a thing now. And the fate of what party is in charge of the Virginia legislature is at stake. Are you willing to secede an entire state to the dismantling of democracy just so you can die on this hill, for a couple that had sex on the internet and weren’t

Scott’s girlfriend sounds totally made up. I guess Rosario Dawson wasn’t available for bearding this time. I’m guessing it’s his Christofascist politics.

Or only matters what swing voters think. She’s running in a district that Dems won by just 0.9% the last time. Her loss will likely put Republicans in charge of the state legislature. No one will care about the Overton window. You failed to mention that Trump is a man and she’s not. The same rules do not apply when it

I hope you’re right. If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years is that misogynistic pearl clutchers can be found in both political parties. 

But if you plan on running for public office shouldn’t you try to avoid having sex on the internet? Wouldn’t an even half way intelligent person say to themselves, you know this could be a GIANT distraction to running on the issues I care about. Jesus, it’s politics 101.

I don’t think it will end her run, but she’s likely going to lose. This is what the entire campaign is going to be about. Sadly, she’s now going to spend months defending her right to privacy.

It absolutely shouldn’t matter, but it will. This is Virginia we’re talking about. 

Good for her, but I wonder why someone who live-streamed sex with their husband would think about running for public office. I won’t run because I literally spent years ordering weed (and other drugs) illegally.

Yeah this doesn’t actually create more billable work for them, other than fielding irate phone calls and watching her career circling the drain. They won’t be able to get paid if she doesn’t have any work. I doubt she’s on anyone’s short list for future roles.

Her PR team needs to pull the plug on her social media account or fire her as a client. 

I get that people want to support their friend and because he never raped them how could he possibly rape anyone else? People use that kind of logic. But wasn’t Masterson first reported to the police more than 15 years ago? I feel like they should have had more common sense since this cloud has been hanging over him

They all poll very high, in fact some close to 90%. Plus, the left downs out many of those messages with pie in the sky bullshit. Maybe it’s time to find a better messenger. It ain’t Cornell West or his campaign manager Jill Stein. 🙄

Much like the far right, this is the permanent victimhood of the far left. You think there is some grand conspiracy that kept the left from power or growing as a party. Obviously it has nothing to do with any of the pie in the sky plans where everything is free or the awful candidates of the last 20 years, Nader,

So true. It’s amazing how emotionally attached people get to these completely made up universes. FFS it’s not real life. Stop treating it like some kind of religion. 

Obviously not all of them, but quite a big chunk. How would anyone even have time to get laid when they have to spend this much time following the entire MCU universe? 😀

Counterpoint: you need to watch the first 10 seasons, plus the dozen spin offs in order to watch season 1.